Chapter Thirteen

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Squeals could be heard from the dressing room and I pause outside the door debating if I should enter. I hate this kind of thing. All day I've been walking in heels and helping set up for the ball but at a certain point I wasn't allowed downstairs at all nor to see anyone so I've been busying myself in my room practicing being an...elegant Pureblood woman. I tuck a strand of hair quickly behind my ear and brace myself to open the door. It wasn't that I didn't appreciate it. It was sweet and I could tell how much it meant to mother. She never got to plan a ball until now. Now that I've returned. My muggle mother never threw this much of a fuss over anything not even Hogwarts. She was an okay mother I suppose but never to this extent. I can feel the love and protectiveness radiating off of them. And a little bit of fear coming from Mother when we discuss when me and Draco shall be returning to Hogwarts. My heart has always felt empty and lonely but now I'm surrounded by wonderful family and friends. It's a dream come true.

"Why hello cousin. I would give them a second before you go in just in case they accidents smother you in fabric and makeup" Draco announces stepping out from the shadows cracking a smile.

"Draco! Where have you been all week? I haven't seen you once. I heard you were busy but they wouldn't explain anything to me". I smack his shoulder playfully.

"I was on a mission for your father. I've been gifted with your second in command and I was scouting out some of our recruits as the Lord explained the plan to me about recruiting the children and gaining their trust. I've been telling tales of the magnificent fearless Hermione Riddle" Draco chuckles sadly looking away for a moment.

"Draco what's the matter-"

"Ah there you are! I thought I heard your voice! Oh Draco go get ready and make sure your father hasn't already gotten into the fine wines". Bella exclaims grabbing me and pulling me into the room.

And boy was the room a site. Fabric and makeup was strewn everywhere with perfume lingering in the air catching in my throat. Bella and Cissa were dressed elegantly in beautiful long dresses that clung to their curves and showed off everything. Bella's was a velvet black with green jewels lining it. Cissas with a deep red and their hair was piled on top of their heads with jewels seeming to hold it up.

" guys are gorgeous"

"Not as gorgeous as you'll be dear, now sit down we only have two hours to get you ready and by the look of your sleepy eyes we will need it" Bella says chuckling softly as she fingers a stray piece of my hair.

In a cloud of powder and fabric they work on my transformation. Bella and Cissa argued many times before deciding on my hair style and makeup.

--------------{time passing}------------

A beautiful girl sat before me staring back at me in the mirror. Her dark ebony hair drifted down her back in ringlets down to her waist. Her bright green eyes were lined with black eyeliner bringing out flicks of red near the pupil. The makeup was light but brought out her natural beauty making her glow. Her dress was a deep green that seemed to shift and change colors in the light. It was a plain but beautiful ball gown that made her huge eyes gaunt. She really did look exactly like her parents. She was beautiful. She was me. I was that girl. I am that girl. The new and improved Hermione. The true Hermione. I felt a soft hand placed gently against my shoulder and I turn to stare into my mothers watering eyes.

"Oh long I've Waited for this day. This day to finally take your place publicly beside us. I never thought it would happen. But I hoped..." The strong woman before me softly wiped away her stray tears and gives me a loving warm smile.

"I love you Mother. And I will always stand by you and Father. Thank you". I murmur leaning my head into her letting her hold me close for a moment.

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