Chapter Two

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"Miss Granger"

"Miss Granger!"


I groan shielding my face from the morning sun. My eyes flutter open to reveal a blurry black figure.


"Yes. Hello Miss Granger. What are you doing up here?" He growls shaking me once more.

My vision focuses and Professor Snape comes into view. Oh. He found me. Couldn't it have been anyone else? But If it was anyone else they would have made a big deal about it. I'm sure he won't. He doesn't care. So he won't. So maybe I'm glad he found me. Instead of McGonagall or Another student.

"What are you staring at me Granger? And again I ask, what are you doing up here?"

"Sleeping..." I murmur rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"I can quite see that Miss Granger. But again. I repeat. Why are you up here?" He snarls stepping back.

"Ask anyone in the great hall...I'm sure they'll tell you...I'm sure the whole school could tell you. If only you had been there. I'm sure you would have had a good laugh." I whisper smiling through my blurry, teary eyes up at him.

"Miss Granger. I am asking you what happened. Not anyone in the great hall or any other of your fellow pupils". The Professor growls his voice turning dangerously low.

I turn my head slightly to look towards the forbidden forest. Oh how I wish I could vanish in them. Build a small cottage and study for the rest of my life. Never having to encounter another being. Never having to encounter hurt or heart break. I sigh slightly leaning against the warm wall, soaking in the morning sun. I look up finally at my professor after a few moments of silence and slowly stand up. My body is still shaky so I stumble a bit but I don't fall. I look up at him not meeting his eyes. For if I did he might see what had happened. And he can't ever know. None of my professors must. Because if they did...they would realize it to. That they never liked me in the first place. And that...they only used me for my brain and my school work to get a good reputation as a teacher. And I can't have that happen. I won't have them think of me poorly. I sigh softly and make my way towards the steps of the astronomy tower.



"Turn around right now or I will dock points from your precious Gryffindor house". He snarls taking a step towards me.

"Good." I murmur turning back around towards the steps and dashing down them but not before I turn back and give him a smug smile.

Let them dock points. Who cares anymore? It's not like they like me. Who cares? Gryffindors aren't how they are portrayed to be. They aren't honorable. Or brave. They are weak. And liars. I see now what Malfoy was talking about. The Gryffindor house is not how it appears. I flee down the steps to the Gryffindor tower. Luckily it was empty because of the late hour. They would all be in class. I hurry and grab a change of clothes and grab my books. My stomach rumbles but I don't have time to dash down to the Great Hall and get something as I'm already late to class. And I can't face the Great Hall. Not after last night... Thoughts of last night fill my head and tears threaten to escape me. But I push them back. I can't cry before class. Besides it's my fault. I can't feel sorry for myself. Because it was all my fault. I should feel sorry for them for having to deal with me. Maybe if I I can't. I don't want friends. No friends. None.

I hurry down to the Transfiguration classroom but I stop at the door. I usually sit next to Harry and Ron...what am I supposed to do? Would there be an extra seat? Would I have to sit next to them? What if I did...? Oh god. I pray that I won't have to sit next to them. I take a deep breathe and push open the huge door to the classroom and enter. Everyone turns around in their seats to see who came in. Harry and Ron are the last to turn and the hatred radiates off of their bodies. I scurry forwards and sit down next to them, looking straight ahead as I unpack my things...not meeting their eyes. I hear whispers in the back of the classroom. Mentioning my name...and Harry's and Ron's.

"I see you've finally graced us with your presence Miss Granger". McGonagall announces silencing the class.

I look up to meet her sad gaze. What's wrong? Is she sad because of last night? Does she know? Is she mad at me? Please no...she's like a mother to me...please.

"10 points from Gryffindor Miss Granger for your lateness. See me after our lesson". She murmurs not meeting my gaze.

I look down in embarrassment as there's a collective groan from the points taken off. But I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry for the points taken off. Why should I be? This house treated me as a family. And because of two peoples opinions they became my enemies...they aren't real friends. How dare they. I clench my fists under the desk and let out a deep breath. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Once I relax I get ready with the assignment and am the first one to finish even though I was late to class. I hand In my paper to Professor McGonagall but she still doesn't meet my gaze again. I clear my throat and she glanced up at me to take my paper.

"I'm sorry for whatever I have done" I whisper quietly so that only she may hear.

She glances up at me surprise clearly showing on her face. I nod my head and turn back to my seat sitting quietly until the end of the lesson.

She stands up and I follow suit. She shakes her head slightly. And murmurs five words I thought I would never fear.

"Dumbedore wants to see you"

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