Chapter Seven

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"Miss Granger stay after" Severus pronounces just as I am about to pack up my parchment and quill.

I carefully approach his desk careful not to get too excited but oh I hope it's news. He snaps his wand and the door closes and wards us in. We must take precautions especially since we are in their territory. He fumbles through his desk and brings up a letter. He hesitantly hands it to me.

"Thank you Severus". I yell as I scurry out to the Room of Requirement so I can read my letter.

I throw myself into it and it transforms into a welcoming library with a warm fire place. I grip the edges of the envelope and take a deep breathe before ripping it open.

My Dearest,

You must know by now it is very difficult and dangerous to be writing to you so im afraid that this message will self destruct after you have read it. Oh how I've longed to hold you tight and if it were my choice I would storm the castle and take you home tonight but your father has always had more patience and has chosen to do it the legal way. Well...almost legal way. We have successfully taken over the ministry and In turn gotten the correct paper work filed to claim you again. You will be coming home for Christmas my darling. Finally you shall be home. Home with us. We hear so much about you from Draco but it is all in code of course since we have heard the Owls are being intercepted and read. Oh my darling I am so excited to finally see you once again. It's been 16 years since We've seen you. Since that dreaded day when you were taken from us. We have so much to discuss. I have so many questions and I'm sure you do as well. But anyway, Severus tells us the Glamour has finally faded so that means you've accepted us as your family. Oh darling I'm so proud of you. You're the brightest with of your age and it's no surprise really with me and your father as your parents. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms once more. See you soon darling.


Tear drops litter the paper and I watch as it self destructs in my hands and turns to nothing. She cares. She loves me. They love me. I'm going home. I let out a sob of relief and curl up into the red chair near the fire. She misses me. 16 years. I've been away 16 years. I must have been taken by the ministry. Or Dumbledore himself. Does that mean he's always known? Always known my identity? He used me. He knew who I was this whole time. How dare he hide who I truly was! How dare he take me away from my parents! My family! I scream in anguish and grip my head willing for the anger to subside. How. Dare. He. My fingers grip my wand tightly and i imagine all the spells I could use on him. All the horrible pain I could cause him to endure. But cold soothing fingers lace around mine loosening my grip on my wand.

"It's going to be alright. We will make it right. I will make him pay for the anguish he has caused you Hermione. But you cannot take action against him now. You must be patient. Don't let your anger control you" Severus says softly, his voice running a calming wave through me.

"He lied to me. He took me from my family Severus. I could have been happy. They raised me to be used for my brain and then to be thrown out like trash. How could they?" I sob clutching his robes.

"I don't know Hermione. I don't know. Dumbledore uses everyone. He is using Harry as a shield to hide behind and Ron to cause hazard in Harrys life. He is playing everyone like puppets. He will pay one day soon. I promise you that. I will make him pay". Severus whispers his eyes flashing with anger from years and years of abuse from Dumbledore and being treated like a puppet.

"Promise me...promise me when it's time...that I will kill him" I murmur while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Hermione I don't-"

"PROMISE ME" I demand glaring up at him.

"I...I promise". He mumbles defeated.

I stand up and twirl my wand, pacing the floor of the room.

"Severus. I'm finally going home" I genuinely smile up at him.

"I know. Your mother is ecstatic she's decorating the whole mansion and making sure I informed her what your favorite foods were. In a weeks time we shall meet at the train station and I will be waiting, under a glamour of course and I shall take you and Draco home. We are all housed at the Malfoy manor for now so I will be there during your break with you". Severus explains sitting along the red couch staring into the warmly lit fire place.

"Will my father be there?" I murmur not facing him.

"Yes he will be. He is excited to meet his heir. His daughter. But you must know the only person he has known to love is your mother so it may be a bit getting used to with you there. Not that he won't love you because he does but he doesn't trust easily."

"I understand. I guess the same will go for me...Severus?"


"Nevermind..." I murmur fiddling with my wand absent mindedly.

"I have to go it's getting late and I need to think about things". I murmur heading towards the door.

"Hermione...everything will be fine". He says as I exit the warmly lit room.

I slowly make my way to my dorm room and as soon as I hit my bed im dragged into a dream. A dream about my beautiful mother. And her great power.

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