Chapter Twenty

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"Will she awake soon Snape?"

"I won't be able to know with you hounding me Malfoy"

"Snape...she cannot die. You know what would happen if she does don't you? Has anyone sent word to our Lord?"

"No. And he won't need to know-"

"He will find out we cannot lie to him Snape!"

"We don't know what happened...what if she tried to kill herself? We cannot report that to Him! Can you imagine the consequences?!"

"You're right I'm sorry. I don't think this was on purpose though. She was just standing there weeping and then all of sudden she started screaming and she went under. I don't think she did this Severus..."

"Shush Malfoy she's waking up"

"Good maybe then she can tell us who she's been muttering about. Shall I fetch Pansy?"

"If you must"

I could feel something shift off the bed and then heavy footsteps lead away.

"Hermione...? Hermione? I'm so sorry...please wake up soon"

"Severus..." I murmur trying to open my heavy eyelids which felt glued shut, everything felt heavy.

"Shhh. Don't speak. You'll just strain yourself. Wake up in your own time but I'm afraid your impatient friends are coming back so they might not give you time. You'll be okay now Hermione. I promise". He murmurs taking my cold hand in his warm ones.

Two loud footsteps return accompanied by a sniffling noise. I slowly peel open my eyes to see a hazy outline of Draco and Pansy huddled together and Severus sitting next to me. What happened? All I could feel was cold. Ice cold. The man...the girls who were me. The man oh god. Who was he? What was coming for me? I bolted up sitting up straight looking towards Severus.

"Hermione? What's wrong?" He asks moving away towards his cabinet and away from me.

" please! He's coming. He's coming for me. Don't leave me alone. Please. He was here. On the ice. He did this. Please Severus...don't leave me". I cried feeling tears slide down my cheeks, grabbing hold of his hand in a death grip.

"Whose coming for you Hermione? What do you mean? Who was here?" Draco demands stepping towards me.

"I don't know...I don't know. I saw him from under the Ice. I fell through because of him and he sealed the ice off. I couldn't get out. Oh god it was so cold." I mutter curling up towards Severus trying to regain some warmth.

"She's not in her right mind right now. She is talking nonesense. Perhaps if we let you have more rest Hermione you'll understand what happened more". Draco says sickeningly sympathetic, taking a step away from me once more.

"No! I'm not lying! No they told me- they warned me he was coming and I didn't listen and he got to me" I shuddered feeling disgusted by the feeling of being weak and hopeless against the water.

" were the only one out on the ice. There was no one else". Pansy murmurs trying to head towards me but held back by Draco's grip.

"No there was me. I was there. It was Hermione Granger, before I discovered who I was. And then I saw me lying on the snow dead and then he killed Granger. I am not imagining this Malfoy! I saw it happen! He was there! Someone is coming after me!" I scream, why won't they understand why can't they see?! I'm not mad!

"Draco leave you are distressing her and I'm sure Pansy has had quite a shock, make sure she gets some hot chocolate before bed". Severus instructs tightening his hold around me.

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