Chapter Five

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I awoke with a start to the ringing of a bell. The room had a alarm system so I could get ready for class. That's handy. Though I suppose I had unconsciously wanted that. Still thinking about school I suppose even when I'm sleeping. I look into the huge oak mirror. I see my scowling pale ivory face and on top of it a mess of curls. I peer closer at my reflection. Am I paler than the day before? No that can't be...and is that?! no it can't be. Bits of black had formed in my hair and my normally golden orange curls were hinted with black unruly curls. Oh my god. The Glamour is wearing off. Oh no. I can't. What will they think when they see me. My new house will already know what is happening but what about the rest of the school? They will find out! Oh no! Oh god. They'll find out and kill me. Oh god.

"Shhhhh my dear, everything will be alright. We shall protect you my dear" a woman's voice softly whispers almost inaudibly in the room.

"Who is there?!" I shriek whipping around to face the intruder.

No one was there...who...what was that? It sounded to familiar though. From a long time ago. What if it was...? No never mind that. It couldn't be. I shook it off and once again faced the mirror and took in my skinny little boyish body. I sighed and looked towards the wardrobe that I hoped had new uniforms in it. I threw it open and let out a squeal as I took in the large amounts of Slytherin green uniforms. I quickly chose one and it adjusted itself to my measurements perfectly. I grabbed a brush from the nightstand and softly began the long process of brushing out the nest on my head. But surprising it didn't take an hour as it usually does. It took less. In about 5 minutes I was done and my hair hung down to my waist in perfect ringlets. Is this brush charmed? It must be. Was it there last night? No I don't think it was. The room must have sensed I needed it...yes that must be it. I slipped the brush into my bag and faced the door. It was a little after breakfast. The old Hermione Granger would be there exactly on time. Everyone would be there right now. I guess it's time to make an entrance. I cringed at the thought. was a time to reinvent myself. I had a new family, a new house. A new look on the world. It was another chance for me. I will say goodbye to the old Hermione and hello to Riddle. I forgot to ask about my last name. Did I take my fathers or mothers last name? I slapped my self in anger of my childish behavior last night. I shall have to apologize to Severus later in the evening. For now...I must face them. I cringed at thinking what they would think.

"It's okay yourself...hold your head high and show them what a Black is made of". the woman whispered again, her voice soothing all of my worries.

I grabbed my bag and started the walk to the great hall. But as soon as I stepped out of the room I was right outside of it. Oh. It sensed I needed to arrive here. I sighed softly. The doors to the great hall were closed. Oh dear. I took a deep breathe before slowly opening the doors. I heard the chatter from outside but it had stopped as everyone turned to look at who was arriving late. There were loud gasps from everywhere except the Slytherin table. I headed towards my house table ignoring the whispers and murmurs. They grinned up at me and I quickly found a seat next to Malfoy. I looked up once quickly towards the head table and what I saw could have put me in fits of laughter if it had not been this serious. Dumbledore was clutching the head table with white knuckles and he was glaring at me. McGonagall was whispering something to him and shooting worried glances towards me. When Dumbledore finally met my gaze I smirked and threw back my hair and took a seat laughing slightly with Malfoy.

"Did you see the look on his face Hermione?! You've done it now! I've never seen him that mad! Not even at your father". Malfoy exclaimed clapping me on the back.

" father? How do you know?" I stuttered my nervousness coming back.

"My dear we all know who your parents are...and we support them all the way" a pretty girl across from me says in a soft whisper, smiling up towards me.

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