Chapter Sixteen

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I awoke with a pounding in my head like a stampede of animals. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound. A moan sounds from the bed and I roll my head to look at the culprit. He's still here. He's in my bed. I grasp the edge of the bed and pull myself up trying to see straight through the pounding. I look down at Fenrir's sleeping form and all I can feel is hatred and numbness. How dare he. How dare he do this. To me. I am above the mutt. I love Severus not him and I feel nothing. I will feel nothing. I have a job to do. Before summer. I will destroy this mate and anything and everything he is. I will make them all regret making decisions for me. I pull out my wand and whisper a spell causing him to wake up, his body frozen with fear.

"Listen here. Do not mess with me. Do not try anything. Do not kiss me. Do not touch me. Don't do anything. I will kill you if you do. Understand dog?" I murmur cracking a smile.

Vines trail out of my wand and wrap around his throat squeezing and squeezing. His eyes bugging out of his skull and his face turning red.

"Shhhh it's alright I can't kill you. It won't work, because we're mates and all. But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you. Hurt you for destroying what me and Severus had or could have had. If you don't agree to all this I will kill everyone you hold dear. Understand sweetheart?" I growl the spell slowly tightening.

I murmured the end and it released him sending him choking and sputtering.

"'ve changed...what did the old bat say to you?"

"Shut up and get out. Now." I shrieked hitting him across the chest with my wand.

He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles towards the door trying to leave.

"Run dog. Run." I murmur.

With a swish of my wand I'm packed and ready. I glance at the mirror and shudder at my appearance, Smeared makeup and dark under eye circles. I quickly wipe it off and stare at my self. I looked a mess. An absolute mess. A tear trickles down my face and I quickly wipe it away. No more crying. I will achieve everything. Everything I desire. I quickly smear on red lipstick and rub my eyes one more time trying to wake up. A smile stretches across my face but disappears as quickly as it appeared. A sigh escapes my lips and I minimize my luggage and store it in my jean pocket. I pull on a big oversized knitted sweater and head out the door. I jump a little as I almost run into Draco sitting outside my door.

"Am I on suicide watch now?"

"Of sorts. Are you ready? Our mothers have been up with the birds." He asks cracking a smile.

"Let's get this show on the road". I mutter walking ahead down the hallway.



"No offense but You look like hell Hermione. What is it?" Draco asks pulling on my sleeve.

"Nothing. Are you ready for the plan? We have much to do before summer."

"Before summer? What's the rush".

"I have things to do Draco I can't be busy with this simple task forever. I have better things to do than this". I say picking up the pace.

We reach the front door and there stands our mums patiently waiting. Mother stands slouched a tad worriedly looking anywhere but at me. Aunt Cissa stands the same except there's a hint of fear in her eyes as she sees Draco standing loyal beside me.

"Good morning mother. Aunt Cissa." I murmur nodding my head at both of them before heading towards the door Draco trailing behind me.

Her pale bony hand tugs on my baggy sleeve, pulling me to a stop.

"Hermione I-"

"Shh. It's alright mother. I will do what is right for all of us. I won't let you down. I'll get the werewolves to side with all of us without this...Union. We will both win In the end mother." I murmur pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hermione I know you will find a way. This mutt will not be part of our family. I promise you that even if I have to kill him myself. I love you my darling. And know this. We are one. We are not on separate sides. You come first. I love you Mione" she whispers holding me in a tight warm grip.

"I love you. Tell father I forgive him. But inform him I will never marry the dog". I mutter before breaking away from the hug and giving Aunt Cissa a nod and exiting the building.

Draco picked up his pace to match mine and we rode in silence to the station. Uncle Lucius's neck vein pulsing with fear. Bidding our goodbyes I murmur a apology and let Draco have a moment with his father. I march through the wall accessing platform 9 3/4 and head towards the train. There's barely anyone here on the platform since it is early as we wanted to be discreet but even a glance from me sends shivers through the spines of the stray gryffindor students and causes the parents to hug their children a little closer. I quickly climb aboard the train and find an empty compartment. Draco follows moments later and quickly shuts the door behind him.

"What's wrong Hermione?"

"What ever do you mean Draco?"

"You look like hell and you seem...empty. I know you had a meeting with our fathers. What happened? Why can't my parents look you straight in the eye? And who was that man that came staggering out of your room this morning?" He demands his voice rising with anger.

"I'm fine Draco. Our work is never easy. Sometimes sacrifices must be made. You'll have to ask your father why he's afraid of me now. I apologized, that should have at least alleviated some of the horror or pain. That man that came out of my room...was my mate. Who's death will occur before summer." I at cringing slightly at the coldness in it.

"What...Hermione if that's your mate then you can't kill him! We all have mates. As to make sure we keep the pure blood line. Hermione you cannot do this it-"

"I can and I will. I have no feelings for this mutt. He is not my mate. I do not love him. I feel nothing for this dog. He is weak and vile. And I cannot kill him personally but believe me when I say he will die by my command". I growl digging my nails into my hand.

"But Hermione...if he dies do you know the pain you will feel if he does? It is unworldly pain. And besides mates are meant to be perfectly matched for you. He is your mate for a reason". Draco exclaims a whine crawling into his voice.

"No. He is standing in my way of true love. He is nothing but an obstacle. An obstacle I plan to get rid of. I do not care of the pain I will experience when he dies. He is causing me more pain now". I murmur looking out the window at the now crowd of students trying to board the train all at the same time.

"Hermione who is he? Will you at least tell me his name?"

"His name is Fenrir-"

"Fenrir?! OHMYGOD Hermione do you know what they say about him? The rumors? We have to lock him in his room to make sure the woman are safe...Hermione I am so sorry. I've never met him until this morning I've just heard stories. Hermione...I will kill him for you if that is what you truly desire. I'm so sorry-"

"Think nothing of it. I will not have you kill this man for no reason other than you worry for my safety. There is someone who deserves revenge far more than you".

"But could he be your mate?"Draco murmurs kindly placing a hand on my arm.

"It seems I'm forever cursed to not be happy for long. The world seems to be against me". I whisper leaning against my only friend.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I didn't know. We will prevail soon. Everything will look up once we kill Potter and make things right. I promise you I will assist with the demise of this man. You deserve much better. Whomever you love better worship you or he will answer to me". Draco chuckles at the end wrapping a kind arm around me pulling me close just like Severus did in the hallway that first night. Why must I always have people protect me? Why can't I protect myself? Why must I be so vulnerable? I sigh and look out the window as the train starts moving making awful noises.

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