Chapter Seventeen

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The Slytherin table was practically a party. A party surrounding me. Everyone crowded around me, talking just talking. It was rather comforting actually. They weren't demanding things of me. They were being sweet. They were just sucking up to me because of my status but a I had buffers. Draco and Pansy sat beside me. Pansy became a friend. She was so sweet and kind, not like anyone thought. She was gorgeous with long blonde hair braided down her back and sparkly green eyes. The perfect Slytherin. The perfect graceful woman.

"Hermione?" She asks her brow furrowed worriedly.

"Oh I'm sorry Pansy. I was lost in thought for a moment there. What did you say?" I ask turning my full attention towards her.

"Are you alright? You seem very...distracted". She whispers her eyes flashing with curiosity.

"I'm fine really. We just have a lot to achieve this year. We will have a full schedule." I crack smiling at her.

"Oh yes, my mother instructed me to obey your every command". She winks bumping her shoulder into mine.

"I'm sure she did. But we cannot talk here. There are listening ears." I murmur turning my head to look back at the other houses glaring at us all.

I clear my throat and call the attention to me, they quickly quieted and focused attention on me.

"We will meet in the room of requirement at 9 tonight. Do not be late". I announce before quickly standing up from the table and heading out of the hall.

Pansy follows suit and hurries after me. She links arms with me as we exit the hall. I lean my head on her shoulder as we walk letting her guide me to the Slytherin common room.

"You know they noticed we didn't stay for Dumbledores speech."

"The old bat can go to hell. He will be dead soon enough anyway". I murmur.

"Really? I knew he would be soon but is it our job to do it? I didn't know we would be in charge of this big of a task". Pansy squeaks nervously while pulling me closer to her.

We entered the common room and she guided me over to the couch pulling me down into it.

"Pansy, I'm going to tell you something. Because you are my new friend. Can I call you my friend?"

"Hermione, when I first met you I hated you. I was so jealous of your status, your hair, your beauty , you were the whole package. Everything I wasn't. But your perfect life that I thought you had isn't so. It isn't perfect. And your really nice. And we can understand each other and help each other out. And you make a really good friend". Pansy announces giggling a little bit.

"We have to kill Dumbledore by the end of this year. And it has to be me to do it. Not Draco and not you. Me. And I have to get the werewolves on our side before summer. We have so much to do Pansy. And I don't know how we will do it all. But it has to all be done before summer". I mutter frowning slightly.

"Why before summer?"

"I have things to do pansy. It has to happen before summer. I can't waist too much time on it". I say firmly.

"I know there's something your not telling me. But it's okay. I understand. You'll tell me in time". Pansy says reassuringly patting me on the knee.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and checked my watch. I had an hour. Maybe a nap would be good beforehand. They are quite tiring to address as a whole. I wonder where Severus is. Would he see me? What will he do when he sees me? Will he even speak to me? No I can't worry about him now. Not now. I have to complete my tasks. Then I can worry. Then I can tell him my good news.

"Pansy...? Do you love Draco?" I murmur curling up next to her.

"Yes. You know that. Practically everyone knows that. I love him very much...But he's been distant lately. I thought he was with you helping you but apparently not. I don't know Hermione...I think he's been with your father...and...I..." She wanders off nervously fidgeting.

"You can speak freely Pansy you know that". I nudge her.

"I'm worried for him Hermione. I think your father is killing him with the tasks he is sending him on. Draco won't discuss them either." Pansy declares clutching my hand.

"Ms Parkinson, you should know better than to speak of the Lord in that manner. You never know who will be listening". He says emerging from the dark doorway scowling.

"Snape!" She squeaks tightening her hold on my hand practically jumping out of her skin with fright.

He looks from me to Pansy and his scowl deepens.

"I'm surprised you would allow such traitorous talk about your own Father Ms. Riddle". He smirked looking for at me.

I stand up pulling the now shaky Pansy up with me. How dare he. How dare he stand here mocking me. How dare he act superior.

"Mind your place Severus. You may be my professor but I am above you still. Do not test me. Not after-not now". I growl clenching my teeth.

Fear flashed in his eyes for a moment but I could hardly tell if it was real or if I imagined it. But he deserved it. I loved him but he deserved the worst. For hurting me. For leaving me alone with that man.

"Pansy please leave us for a moment. I will see you later okay?" I say without looking at her.

She gives my arm a reassuring squeeze before scurrying out of the room and closing the door with a soft thud.

"Why did you ask her to leave? Does she not know? I expected you would have run crying and whining like a child to anyone who would listen-"

"Shut up. You will not speak to me like a child. I am not a child. And you will not look down to me." I demand taking a step forward.

"Your acting like one. Hanging out with Ms Parkinson? Stringing Draco along? Hosting meetings in the room of requirement? Your being reckless and childish". He smirked standing taller.

"Pansy is my only girl friend and I'm not interested in Draco. Pansy is. How did you hear about the meetings? I am not being reckless nor childish. I'm getting things done. Unlike you who just gave up".

"Pansy's mind wouldn't shut up about the meetings. You should tell her to close her loud mind. You won't be able to take down the greatest wizard of our age with a group of students". He mocks a cruel glint in his eye.

"How dare you mock me. How dare you insult me. I am above you and you will do well to remember that. Especially now. Don't you see Severus? I'm doing all of this for you. I am going to have that mutt killed. And along with him Dumbledore. All before summer while securing our agreement with the wolves. I'm sacrificing all of this for you Severus. But this will get done. With or without your help".


"Because I love you".

"No. Your just like her. Manipulating. You don't love me. You'll toss me away when your done using me. Your father will do that as well now that he knows of what was between us. I've lost my usefulness. Now I'm just awaiting death". He says turning away from me.

"No. You will not die. I will now allow it-"

"Your a fool to think you have more power than your father. He makes the call. Not you. You may have more power than me but not him. You never will". He murmurs before storming out leaving me once again to deal with the aftermath of our argument.

A single tear strays down my face before its quickly wiped away.

"No. No more crying. You have a job to do. And you cannot fail". I murmur to myself before grabbing a cloak and rushing out of the room. I have a lot to prepare for.

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