Chapter 2

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"How y'all doin'?!" he said into the microphone. He looked back and smiled and waved to all of us. It was still taking a while for me to process that he was here. Less than 10, maybe 5 feet away from me.

"So, I have to say, you got some good ass singers at this school." Kells laughed into the microphone. "But, we only have three winners tonight. And thats what I'm here for." he smiled.

We had gotten through 2nd and 3rd place, taking longer than usual because they had to get their hugs and pictures in.

"Now for first place..." he said as he got the paper that had the winner on it. "..Skylar!" the whole gym, including Kenzie backstage and even Kells, we'e screaming and cheering. I walked over to where he held my trophy for first place, and hugged him. He lingered a little longer than he did with the other two, until the principal cleared his throat. I got my picture and went backstage.

"Ahhh! You just hugged MGK! He handed you that award!" she screamed.

"It's fine, Kenzie. Calm down."

"HOW are you not freaking out?! He's like, your idol. You look up to that guy over there. You always have." She looked up and her eyes got huge. 

"Hey there, girls." I heard Kells say. I turned around to see him smiling.

"Hi!" Kenzie said, a little too loud.

"Hey..' I said, suddenly getting nervous. I guess they both noticed, because Kenzie was staring at me, Kell was trying not to laugh at her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little nervous. You know...kind of a big fan.." I said looking at him.

"Nervous? It's cool. You seem cool.  Skylar, right?" he smiled. 

"Yeah, and this is my best friend McKenzie, but I just call her Kenzie." I smiled too. It was hard not to around him.

"Well, you Kenzie, have one talented best friend. You were really amazing Skylar." he smiled again. I can't believe this is coming from him.

"Uh..thanks." I was kind of in shock. This night is the best night ever. I mean, how could it not be? I'm meeting my idol and hero. Kenzie had a point earlier...

"So, listen. Diddy's here. He liked your voice, maybe more than me and Slim do," he laughed. "He-well, I want to get in touch sometime soon. I wanna hear you sing some more." I was in total shock now. MGK wanted me to sing for him. At least thats what it sounded like. Just then, my mom walked over to get me and Kenzie.

"You girls ready to go?" she looked tired. Then she noticed who we were talking to. "Oh, am I interrupting?" she asked, eyebrows raised.

"Actually I'm almost done with your daughter. Can I get your number so I can call you about coming to the studio sometime?" I nodded, and we exchanged phones. We all hugged and said our goodbyes, and we were finally on our way home.

On the way home, my mom and Kenzie were asking millions of questions. Then Kenzie made a comment that got my attention.

"He may have liked her singing, but you should've SEEN the way he looked at her. It was sososo cute!" she told my mom. I choked on my water in the backseat where I had my legs across the seats.

"What?! He was being nice.  Do you honestly thinks he..likes me Kenzie?" I asked, she turned around.

"Well, you'll probably be spending some more time with him, so if he doesn't now, he will eventually." she turned back around, with that evil smirk on her face. The rest of the car ride was quiet. We had to drop Kenzie off, so it took even longer to get home. I thought about what she had said before we dropped her off though. Was she right? Would we really be spending that much more time together? It was weird to even think about going near a studio. Knowing how my dad would react.

We had been home for about an hour. I had went straight up to my room and showered. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and threw my Lace Up shirt on with a pair of sweatpants. I had laid down and was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.

"Hello...?" I answered without looking to even see who it was.

"Hey. Were you sleeping..? Sorry if I woke you." Kells said.

"No, I almost was though and it's fine anyways."

"Well, to get to the point so you can would you feel about coming out to Cleveland tomorrow so we can go down in my studio and talk. Maybe hear you sing some...?" I didn't know how to repsond. I don't know what I'd tell my dad. He would need to know every detail of where I was going. I was 18 but he acted like I was 15 because I still lived them.

"I don't know. I won't have the car tomorrow-"

"I can pick you up." he said, anxious for me to answer.

"I guess, but it has to be at Kenzie's. She'll probably wanna come anyways."

"That's cool. Just text me tomorrow morning..or whenever you wake up. Can't wait to see you tomorrow." I could tell he was smiling as he talked.

"I can't wait to see you either." I smiled and hung up.

I fell asleep thinking about those last words I said to him.

I meant every word I said, but there was more feeling behind it than I wanted there to be.

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