Chapter 9

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It was hard for me to wake up the next morning. For two reasons though. One was because I didn't want to say bye to Kenzie. Second was because I couldn't even move. I had Kells and Casie on either side of me, Kells with his arm over my stomach and legs on mine, and Casie was on my other side, basically hugging me in her sleep. I laughed and pushed Kells a little.

"Huh...?" he woke up. "Why you up so damn early girl?"

"It's not that early. It's 11. And I have to take Kenzie to the airport. Remember? She leaves for Flordia today."

"Shit...go get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs. I gotta go wake Dub up so he can go to." he said and got out of bed. He helped me get up without waking Casie. I was waiting downstairs, when Casie came downstairs, rubbing her eyes.

"Where are you and daddy going?" she said, walking up to me.

"We have to go take a friend of ours to the airport. Slim and Ashleigh will be here with you. We're coming right back."

"Promise?" she smiled.

"I promise." she hugged me. Just then, Kells came up behind me

"You ready?" he said and kissed my neck.

"As ready as I can be. What about you Dub?" I asked as he came down to meet with us.

"Damn. I thought she still had another week here." he played it off like he was fine.

"Well..let's get going. Her flight's at 1." I said and walked out the door, the boys following me. We pulled up to her house, her waiting on the porch for us. We went and packed her stuff in the car. It was a really quiet ride to the airport. I had to try and not cry so I could drive. We eventually got there. Her aunt was there, she was going with her. She took all her bags in the airport, leaving us all alone.

"This is it. Your actually leaving..." I said, tears in my eyes.

"We'll see each other soon. I hope...Damn. It feels like we just met yesterday. I just want to thank you. For being my best friend. Even though I'm pretty crazy." she laughed. "Thank you for everything. You're really like my older sister." I hugged her.

"Thanks for everything you've done. Other than getting me in trouble every weekend." I laughed.

"Now. Listen to me. First, you and that Wild Boy," she looked at him and laughed, "make it last. I love seeing you two together You two care about each too much. Keep it like that. Second, that voice. Do something with it. You have the best voice I've ever heard. I wanna hear you on the radio or see you on TV soon. And finally, Dub. Just...keep him out of trouble." she laughed, not knowing what to say. She went overto Dub and they talked. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

“Hey, you gonna be okay?” I turned around to face him.

“Yeah. I’m gonna be with you.” I smiled.

“This summer will be amazing. For both of us. I promise.” he said and kissed me.

“I hope. I can’t wait.”

We all said bye to Kenzie and went our own ways. The ride back was quiet. I liked it though.

A few weeks later

The next few weeks had been pretty boring. Nothing really happened. Kells was starting a tour in a few days. I was going, but I didn’t know what to expect. Me and him were closer than ever. Dub missed Kenzie A LOT. They talked everyday, but it was weird for him to not have her there. We had gone out a couple of nights. I finally gave Kells what he wanted. He was a really good mood since that night.

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