Chapter 5

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The next week at school seemed like it took forever to go by. Me and Kenzie spent all week talking about our Senior Prom. We were really bored without the boys and Ashleigh to talk to and hang out with. I still haven’t told Kenzie the exact plans for the weekend, but I had told our moms so they could cover for us.

“What are we doing? You’re torturing me by making me wait till after school!” We had went to Starbucks since we got home lunches. She had been bugging me the whole way there.

“You’ll see. It’ll be worth it.” I smiled when my phone lit up. My lock screen was me and Kells hugging on Kenzie’s couch. She had taken the picture and sent it to me.

Y’all need to go home and get clothes? -Kells

No, I told Kenzie to bring clothes and mine are in my locker.

K, see you later <3

We had went back to school, and the last couple of classes dragged on. I was at my locker to get my stuff, and waited for Kenzie, since her locker was right next to mine.

“We need to go. Now. I need to find out what we’re doing.”

“Chill, Kenzie. We need to go buy tickets for Prom still.” I told her, getting annoyed with her constantly asking about our plans. We bought our tickets when Kenzie turned around and her jaw suddenly dropped.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God. Sky. Look who it is.” I turned around all the way to see him. My ex-boyfriend I had told Kells about. He was here. Why though?

“You cool?” she asked me. I had gone silent. “Sky. Talk.”

“Uh…” I had no time to finish because he was walking this way.

“Hey girls! Its been forever since I’ve seen you two.” he said and hugged us.

“I know! I can’t believe we’re graduating in a week. And Proms tomorrow night. We’re all growing up so fast.” she said with a sad voice.

“How are you, Skylar?”

“Good. Busy finishing up stuff for school. Getting ready for this last free summer.” I laughed.

“I know. I have summer year round in California though.” he laughed.

“Speaking of, what brings you out here?” Kenzie asked.

“Just visiting. Came to see my dad and sister.”

“Oh, how’s your mom doing?” she continued talking to him while I went to sit down. Our other best friend that we don’t see as much anymore came to talk to me.

“You okay?” Sydney asked me.

“Yeah. Just weird seeing him after all this time.” I looked at Jesse, feeling weird inside. Not the good kind either. They had finished talking, and Kenzie walked over to us.

“You ready?” she asked.

“What do you guys have planned?”

“I don’t know. She won’t tell me.” she said annoyed.

“Well, have fun with…whatever.” she laughed, and walked over to her boyfriend. As we were walking towards the door, she brought up the subject I didn’t want to talk about.

“So, you going to Prom with a date? Or are we going together?” she joked.

“I don’t know. We still have tonight to get a date.”

“I kinda wish Dub would ask me. I was talking to him about it last weekend. We had walked outside and she spotted them.

“DUB!” she screamed and tackled him on the ground, leaving her bags on the ground by me. I took off after her towards Kells, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. 

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