Chapter 29

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We walked to the side of the stage just as one of the openers finished up. I didn't even realize there was someone going before Ezzy and Ray until just now. I looked over at Kenzie who looked just as confused as me. 

"Hey, y'all like T. Mills right?"

"Duh. That was a stupid question." Kenzie laughed. 

"Well, he's the one who's on stage. Y'all get to meet him when he gets back here." Slim said.

We waited for him to get off the stage. He finally made his way back after about 5 minutes. He smiled when he saw us, knowing Colson set this up.

"Hey, you guys must be Kenzie and Sky. I heard you two are big fans."

"Yeah, I guess we are..." Kenzie said, getting shy.

"Lets go hang out with everyone else." we followed him, passing Dub, Ray, and Ezzy on the way. I stopped to talk to them before they went on then continued to where everyone else was. I was in and got water splashed all over me. I gave Slim and Colson what they call "the look" and they dropped the water bottles and held their hands up.

"We swear we weren't trying to get you." Slim said, defending them both.

"Who exactly were you trying to get then?" I said, walking slowly towards them.


"Nice try, he passed me on my way here." I ran after them and I chased Slim as far as I could before I lost him. I turned around and called Colson's name. I heard movement from behind me so I turned around.

"You know you can't catch me, just give up now." he said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh really? I can run a lot faster."

"Fast enough to catch me?"

"Let's see." I took off after him, keeping up pretty good. He ran back to where we were before. Slim was sitting on the couch, laughing because he didn't get caught. I turned back around to see if he was still ahead of me, but he was gone. I ran a little slower, looking for him. I tried to stop when a saw a foot appear from a doorway but it was too late. I felt a pain in my ankle.I sat down flicked him off from where I was.

"What happened?"

"Thanks for hurting my ankle." I said, trying to stand up.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was Slim. Seriously. I wouldn't trip you like that."

"Whatever." I laughed. "Lets just go back so I can get some ice for this."

I got ice and went and sa next to T. Mills. We sat and talked and waited for Colson to go on. We heard the boys coming back, so Colson picked me up and carried me to the side of the stage. He handed me to Dub and once he went on he had Dub bring me out and sit me in front of Rookie. I watched the whole show from the stage and Kenzie came to join me.

"Hey, do you think he's gonna do Her Song with you?" she screamed over the music. I just shrugged. I was used to other girls coming on stage, as long as it didn't go too far. He turned around and smiled at me. I looked over at Kenzie and she was smiling. He walked over and picked me up. He sat me farther up on the stage. I laughed and waved when the crowd started screaming even louder.

"I know y'all know who she is." He smiled down at me. "You wanna start? If you don't mind?" he gave me the puppy dog eyes. I took a mic from Slim and started the song.

"Oh, these times are hard, yeah they're making us craz, don't give up on me baby..."

"I'm just here chasin' my dreams girl, but it's crazy 'cause that dream cost me my dream girl. Promised you I wouldn't change before I left, now I think leaving is the one thing I regret..."

After the song finished, Dub came out and helped me back to where I was originally. I watched the rest of the show, which lasted longer than I expected it to. After the show, we all headed out to the bus. Kenzie was gonna go out with them, but I decided to just go back to the house. I was tired and I didn't feel like going out with a hurt ankle. I said bye to everyone and headed for the car.

I was walking across the parking lot to where me and Kenzie had parked. I felt like someone was following me, so I turned around. I didn't see anyone so I kept walking. I didn't hear anything for a little bit, but then I heard footsteps. I stopped, not knowing what to do. I heard a guy laugh. I was thinking about who it could possibly, when I finally realized whose laugh it was. I turned around slowly to see exactly who I thought it was.

"Justin...what are you doing here...?"

"Now, come on. You know you're happy to see me." he kept walking towards me, causing me to back up.

"Why the hell would I ever be happy to see you?"

"You know you miss me. Just stop denying it Skylar." I stopped when I felt something behind me. I turned around to see it was the car. I turned back around to make sure he didn't try anything.

"You need to leave. Now."

"Or what? There's no one around Skylar. You're little boyfriend left. Everyone did. It's just you," he put his hand on my cheek, "and you."

"Justin. Just go." I pushed his hand away, holding back tears. I don't know what happened to me. I couldn't move. I was scared to. I was shaking and he could tell I was scared, which made him smirk.

"Why are you so freaked out?"

"Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone?"

"I love you too much.." his hand was going up and down my thigh, and I was crying by now. He wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged, so I put as much force as I could into it and punched him in the stomach. It was enough to get him off of me. I ran back towards the building. He was back on his feet and caught up with me before I was even halfway back to the building. He grabbed me from behind and forced me to walk back the car in front of him, still holding me. His hand started traveling down to the button on my shorts.

"Stop! Please!" I started screaming. "Get off of me!"

I figured there was no one that could hear me, until I looked to my right and saw someone running in our direction. Once my vision cleared I saw it was T. Mills.

"Get the fuck off of her!" He tore Justin off of me and started punching him. He had him on the ground in no time. I ran back to the car and grabbed my phone. I called Colson's phone about 5 times, leaving him a voicemail everytime. I texted him, not caring if I was blowing his phone up.

Colson, pick up. It's an emergency. Please call me.

I threw my phone and started crying. I brought my knees up to my chest and sat like that until I heard feet running towards the car. I looked up and saw T. Mills on his way over. He ran over to the passenger seat and jumped in the car. He pulled me into his lap, letting me cry all I wanted.

"You're Skylar right?"

"Yeah, thanks for helping me."

"No problem, I wasn't letting that asshole do that to you." I hugged him and smiled. 

"Now, where is everyone?"

"They went out. I told them I was just gonna head home, but...well you know what happened from there..."

"You need me to drive you back?"

"If you could.." he nodded and got out, leaving me in the passenger seat. I fell asleep on the ride back. I heard him on the phone was we got to the house. He must've called Jess to come open the door. I felt him carrying me into the living room. I was pretty much awake, but I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I pretended to be sleeping. He sat me down on the couch. He sat down at the other end by my feet and reclined that end of the couch. 

I heard everyone come back sometime that night, and Jess made it to the living room before everyone else did and started freaking out. She sat down on the arm by my head and moved the hair out of my face. I fell asleep, and I guess Jess told them what happened because I heard Colson throw something.

"What the fuck?!" there was another crash. I heard Kenzie say something and I heard the door slam.

I went back to sleep, not wanting to wake up in the morning and talk about what had happened.

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