Chapter 10

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We had spent the next couple of weeks touring and doing shows. I had sang at some of them, still not getting used to the idea of being on stage every night.

I woke up and got off the bed in the back of the bus that me and Kells have been using. I looked out the window to see we were in New York City. I remembered then why we were actually here. My meeting with Diddy was today. Then I was flying to Flordia to see Kenzie for her birthday.

"You ready for this?" Slim said, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, but I'm kinda nervous. I still haven't met him yet."

"It'll be fine."

"Yeah, he wants to meet you more than you wanna meet him." Kells laughed when he came on the bus, freshly showered. He had just came from the hotel we were parked at. "Now, go shower and do whatever you gotta do." he kissed me and sent me off the bus.

We were on our way to where the meeting was being held. I was squeezing Kells hand. He squeezed back to reassure me.

"It's gonna be fine." he whispered before we walked in the room.

"Hey! Skylar, right?" Diddy walked over and walked me to where I was sitting.

"Yeah. Its nice to finally meet you." I laughed.

"Same here. Everytime I get your boy on the phone you're all he talks about." my face got red. I looked at Kells and saw he had the same reaction.

"So, why am I here exactly?"

"I wa getting to that. How would you feel about signing to Bad Boy?" he smiled at me, then Kells.

"That..would be great." I smiled back. Kells looked up, happier than ever.

"Well, damn. That was easier than I thought. Let me get the papers. You're 18?" he asked while getting the papers.


"Well, I still have to send these papers to your parents but you can sign." everyone watched me sign the contract. I looked up to see them smiling at me.

"Welcome to Bad Boy!" Diddy said and sat down. "Y'all are free to go, go have fun while you're here."

We were driving to go to a boardwalk, when I saw people on the beach.

"Slim, take a right." I told him, directing him to the beach.

"Sky, what are you up to?" Dub asked me, suspicious.

"I just wanna go the beach."

"You don't have clothes.." he said, confused now.

"Damn Dub, stop worrying so much." I said, rolling my eyes. "Hopefully you'll be happier when we get to Flordia." I laughed. We got to the beach, and I threw my shoes off and ran straight for the water. The boys followed, and Slim grabbed me and threw me in the water. We were at the beach for hours, until it got dark. We went back to the hotel, went to our rooms and changed into dry clothes. Me and Kells were sitting on our balcony, it was quiet then he cleared his throat. I looked over.  

"Skylar..I have a surprise. But..there's some bad news. What do you want first? Good or bad?"

"Good!" I said walking over and sitting in his lap.

"Okay, I'm flying your mom and brother and Kenzie's family to Florida. You all are spending the rest of the summer down there." he smiled. I smiled too, until I realized something.

"Wait...when will I see you?" i asked, frowning.

"Thats the bad news. Tonights our last night together. I have a show in Florida in August, and that might be the the only time you see me until we're all back home in September..." I didn't know how to feel. I was happy I was seeing everyone again, but I'd miss him so much.

"I'm gonna miss you. So much." I said laying my head on his chest.

"I know. I'll miss you too. But, it'll be much better when we're back home. It'll be worth it." he hugged me and held me like that for hours, until we fell asleep. We woke up the next morning to banging on the door, and Dub yelling at us from the balcony.


"DUB! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled back, walking in the room. The way we slept on the chair, made it hard to move.

"Damn, that chair fucked my back up." Kells said, trying to walk. "I'm gonna go take a shower in Slims room."

"Okay..see you later." I went and got in the shower. I put my hair up in a messy bun when it was dry, and put on some yoga pants, a tank top, and put on my BIFC hoodie, and put my chucks. I packed my bags and walked down to Slims room and knocked. Slim opened the door laughing. I walked in to Dub and Kells chasing Ash around. Slim joined back in, and then they all came my way. I tried to run but Kells grabbed my hips and pulled me back.

"I don't think so." he laughed and started tickling me. The other boys joined in. Ashleigh interrupted and the boys tried going after her, until she smacked Dub.

"Boys! We have to get her to the airport." they all laughed.

"Sorry. We were having fun." Slim said and grabbed my bags. Kells picked me up off the bed, and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the car. We put the Lace Up mixtape on and danced the whole way to the airport. As much as you can dance in a car...

We got to the airport and Kells grabbed my bags and Dub grabbed his. Dub was coming down for a week to spend time with Kenzie. We sat the bags down. Kells ran over and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I instantly started crying. I saw Slim take his phone out and take a picture.


"Yeah baby?"

"Promise me one thing.." he asked.


"Don't forget about me. I know you won't see me for a while, and I just wanna make sure." I smiled and looked at him.

"How could possibly forget you? But,  I promise. I will never, ever forget about you, no matter what." he smiled and kissed me. he set me down. I went to hug Slim and Ashleigh.

"I'll keep him out of trouble for you." she laughed. 

"Good. Someone has to while I'm gone." I hugged her one last time and walked over to Slim.

"I hate to admit it, but I might actually miss you." I said to him and laughed.

"Girl, you know you're gonna miss your best friend." 

"Okay. I'll miss you too Slim." I hugged him and playfully punched him in the arm.

"I see how it is. Just wait till I catch yo' ass in Florida." I laughed as I watched him go start the car. Ashleigh had already taken shotgun, but Kells was still standing outside. He had tears in eyes. We didn't hug each other one last time, knowing we wouldn't let go.

"Have fun. Tell everyone I said hi."

"I will. See you soon.." I said and walked in the airport, crying.

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