Chapter 20

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We were on our way to pick up Casie. Colson wouldn't tell me what he had planned yet. I honestly didn't care, as long as I got to spend the day with my family. Everyone was coming with us, including mine and Kenzie's family.

" wanna come up with me?" I looked at him, not sure how to answer.

"Uh..I guess."

"She's cool. I don't think she'll hate you." I heard Dub say from the back seat.

"Real reassuring Dub. But let's go." I got out of the car and grabbed his hand as we walked up to her apartment.

"She's cool, like Dub said. She kinda wants to meet you though."

"She wants to meet me?" I asked, confused.

"'s going to be fine." he said, looking down at me. He knocked on the door and Tasha opened the door. She smiled and let us come in.

"She's in her if you wanna go get her Colson." he went down the hallway to Casie's room, leaving me alone with Tasha.

"So, you're Skylar? It's great to finally meet you." she hugged me.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled and she went to sit down on the couch.

"Come on, sit down if you want." I followed and sat down next to her. "You know, I'm very surprised."

"About what?"

"Colson. I never thought he'd actually have a real girlfriend. Not that it's a bad thing, you seem like a great girl. Casie loves you," she smiled, "I just didn't think he'd be ready so soon."

"I honestly had my doubts too. But he's proved himself to me. Which wasn't easy, because I'm as stubborn as him." she laughed.

"So, how are the babies?"


"You okay?" she moved over a seat, closer to me.

"No. I don't wanna leave them. It's gonna be so hard for me. I feel so bad. I feel bad about leaving Casie too.."

"You seem like you're a great mother. Everything will be fine. Spend as much time as you can with them while you're here." she hugged me. I heard Casie laughing as Colson chased her out to the living room.

"Sky! I missed you!" she ran and jumped in my lap.

"I missed you! I'm glad I get to hang out with you for a while." I looked up at Colson, who was watching us with a smile. He looked at Tasha.

"So, we get her the whole week?"

"I guess..when are you bringing her back?"

"The day before we leave for the tour." he rolled his eyes. "You two ready to go?"

"Yeah. We're ready." I said, putting Casie down.

"Okay, see you in a couple days." he said and led us out to the car. I laughed when Casie ran over and jumped in the car into Kenzie's lap. They got her settled in the back of the car and we left to go to whatever Colson had planned for us for the day.

"Wait, so what exactly are we doing?" Kenzie asked, sounding confused.

"You'll see. We're almost there." he smirked and looked at me. I laughed and looked out the window. It looked familiar where we were, but I hadn't been out here in a while. After a while, I heard Kenzie wake up a little, sounding excited.

"Dude. Are you taking us to Cedar Point?!"

"Maybe." he laughed.

"I love you! I haven't been here since I was little. Oh my god!" everyone laughed at how excited she was. We pulled into the parking lot and I saw Josh jumping and waving. I laughed and waited for the car to be parked before I got out and ran over.

"I missed you Sky."

"Boy, you just saw me for my birthday. You miss the babies and the boys." I laughed and moved so he could go see everyone.  I walked over to my mom, who was sitting with Kenzie's mom.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Not ready for this tour."

"I promise I will send you pictures of them everyday." she smiled and hugged me. "Kenzie's going?"

"Yeah. She really wants to, so she can be with Dub." she looked at me, then at Kenzie, who had just walked over.

"You guys have grown up way too fast. I did not expect to have two grandchildren already. But I wouldn't change it."

"Can you stop before I start crying?" I heard Kenzie's mom in the car. Colson walked over with Josh laughing.

"Okay, let's go get this day started." He let me take the stroller with Allie and Josh had Colson. We went on rides while my parents watched the babies. They were pretty good for being in an amusement park all day. Once it got darker, we started trying to play the smaller games for prizes. Dub won a giant monkey for Kenzie.

"Kells, get yo' ass over here and win her something!" Dub yelled when he came back from the bathroom.

"Man, shut up. I planned on it. Now, what do you want?" he smirked down at me.

"That giant dog." I smiled and pointed to the dog I wanted. It reminded me of the dog back at my parents that they had since I was little. While he was playing for my prize, me and my parents went to sit down.

"Are you two gonna make it through this tour?" my dad asked, sounding worried. I knew he wasn't talking about the babies this time, which he had asked about earlier. 

"I honestly can't say. I don't think he'd do that, knowing what he has to lose this time. Which is a lot. I have a lot to lose too, though. I can't make him the bad guy everytime. I can't be stupid either. Which is why I have Kenzie."

"Well, I hope the tour goes good for you guys. Like you said yourself though, don't do anything stupid or anything you'd regret." my dad said, getting a little serious.

"WOO!" I heard from where the group was. Colson ran over with the prize I had asked him for.

"Thank you!" I said, getting up, being pulled into a kiss.

"Get a room!" I heard Josh say as he walked over, I laughed and pushed him playfully. I walked over to the girls.

"When did she fall asleep?" I asked Ash, who was holding Casie.

"While the idiot was winning your prize." she laughed.

"Well we should head home. So the kids can go to bed." She nodded and gave Casie to me. We all walked back to the parking lot, my parents pushing the babies. Me and Kenzie ran back to the car, racing each other until we got tired. We jumped up on the hood of the car and waited for everyone else. I looked up from my phone, and saw Colson walking straight towards me, watching me and smiling. I gave him a confused look. He shook his head and laughed. 

"I'm so...happy." Kenzie said as she laid down on the hood of the car.

"I can honestly say I am too. "

"I can tell. I've never seen you this happy. Even when you're not in the best mood, you light up when he's around." she looked at me.

"Same goes for you. You said you had no interest in relationships, then we went to the house, and that was it. You love Dub so much. It's too cute." she looked up and laughed.

"Speaking of. You boys ready to go?" she asked Colson and Dub. They nodded and Kells picked me up off the hood of the car. I giggled as he threw me in the backseat of the car. I sat up and he got in after me. He laid down in the backseat and put his head in my lap, falling asleep the second the car started moving.

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