Chapter 8

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I woke up the morning after with the worst headache. We had today off to study for finals, but I didn’t study at all. I couldn’t. I haven’t even talked to Kells all day. He’s been really worried about me lately. I barely come out of my room. It was 2 in the afternoon. I had taken a shower and threw on my skinny jeans and Kells’ Ragers shirt. I went downstairs and saw no one. I went in the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

Me, Dub, Slim, and Ash went to Wal-mart. Kells is in the basement. We should be back in about an hour. CHEER UP! :) -Kenzie <3

I got a water bottle and headed for the basement. I heard my song playing. He just sat there looking at pictures of us on his computer smiling. I smiled too, the first time since Prom.

“Hey.” I said quietly. He ran over to me and hugged me, like he thought he had lost me.

“Are you feeling better? You wanna talk?” He looked me in my eyes.

“Not now. Eventually, but not right now.” I said and hugged him again. “Thanks for letting me stay here.”

“Hey, you’re a part of the family. And my girlfriend. Why the hell wouldn’t I let you stay here?” he laughed. I got butterflies when he called me his girlfriend. I got butterflies when he did anything. Hug me, kiss me, anything. He pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He wasn’t paying attention to where I was, so he sat me on the soundboard. He kissed me, wanting more than kissing. I let him carry me to his room, but when I felt his hands go from my thigh to the button on my jeans, I stopped him.

“Not now.” I whispered. 

“When? You don’t know how bad I want you. Like, I wanted to Prom night, but I didn’t wanna do it when you were drunk. Ya know, it’d make your hangover worse.” he winked.

“Oh, really?” I smiled. He was still hovering over me. 

“Yeah. You should be sober your first time with me. Get used to me.” he winked again. I had to laugh.

“I’m so happy right now. With you. I’m glad I’m with you.” I said quietly. He had laid down and pulled me on top of him.

“I never thought I’d be with just one girl. But honestly, I feel happier with one girl every night then a different girl every night.” I smiled. I loved how honest he was with me.

Just then, Slim walked in.

“Oh, damn. My bad. Looks like I’m interrupting something.” 

“Just a little.” Kells said, annoyed.

“Well, just letting you know Diddy’s here. He said come on down when you’re ready.” he laughed and closed the door behind him.

“Now, can we continue what he were doing when came up here?”

We made out for what felt like hours. We were laying down, when he looked at me. 

“Oh, I forgot to tell you but Casie’s coming to your graduation.” I sat up.

“Really?! I’ve wanted to meet her for so long!” I told him everyday since we met, that I wanted to meet her. He said sometime soon, and I guess that ‘sometime soon’ is next week.

“I know. I figured it would be a good place for her to meet you. Then we can bring her back here to get picked up and go celebrate.” he looked so happy when he talked about her.

“How are we celebrating?” I asked curious. 

“Well, everyone’s going out, then coming back here. Then…” he trailed off and smirked at me. “Hopefully we can continue this after. Now we should go downstairs before Diddy gets impatient.” I followed him downstairs and went to sit by Kenzie on the couch.

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