Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning by myself. I heard laughing downstairs so I put my hair up in a messy bun and checked my phone. It was noon. I headed downstairs and went in the kitchen where everyone was. I was greeted by everyone but Kells and Slim.

“If you want, the boys are in the basement recording. You can go see them.” Dub told me. I went upstairs and had Ashleigh get me a towel so I could shower. I went to go get my clothes from yesterday. I put the Hoodie back on and went down to the basement. They had music playing so loud they couldn’t hear me come in. I slammed the door a little to get their attention.

“Oh shit, you scared me Sky.” Slim had jumped when I slammed the door.

“I’m surprised you heard it. Anyways, could someone take us back to Kenzie’s soon? I’m not in that big of a hurry, but I have to be back home tonight.” I asked them.

“Yeah, go get Kenzie awake and I’ll take y’all home in like 15 minutes.” Kells said. He hugged me and sent me upstairs. After Kenzie got dressed, she called me into Dub’s room.

“You two are so cute. I saw you two in the studio last night.” she said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

“You two totally like each other. Don’t you dare deny it either.” she accused while doing her make-up. “Is that his hoodie?” 

“Yeah…he gave me it last night. It was cold in his room.” she looked at me and smiled.

“What did you guys talk about on your walk yesterday?”

“Family, my old boyfriends, if we like anyone…” 

“Does he? Do you?”

“Damn. And he said he might…” I looked at Slim who had just walked upstairs and was standing in the doorway.

“He’s downstairs waiting. It was nice finally meeting you two. Come hang out again. Please!” he laughed and left. We walked downstairs to see Kells on the couch waiting. I ran and jumped in his lap and hugged him.

“Shit! Where’d you come from?” he said, startled.

“Upstairs.” I laughed. “We’re ready.”

We got in the car and it was a silent drive back. Kenzie was sleeping in the back. We finally pulled up to her house and I told Kenzie to go in and I’d be inside in a couple minutes.

“Thanks. For letting us stay. I really like hanging out there.” I told him.

“It’s cool. And I like having you two there. Especially you.” he looked at me.

“We should hang out again sometime. Soon.” I moved over into his lap.

“Yeah, this weekend was fun. Listen, I really like you Sky.” he pulled my face to look at him. I didn’t know what to say. Just then, I felt his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I don’t think he was expecting it because he pulled away for a second. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me.

“Well…I have to go. I’ll text you soon.” he helped me get out of his door, and gave me a hug. He drove off and I went inside, and went up to Kenzie’s room where she was.

“I was waiting. What the hell were you two doing?” she looked at me suspiciously.

“Talking…you were right though. He likes me.” 

“I knew it!” she said jumping up and down. “Do you like him?”

“I honestly don’t know…I love being around him. I don’t know what my feelings are right now.”

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