Chapter 18

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2 months later 

I was officially about 9 months pregnant. I was ready to go into labor anytime soon. My birthday was in two weeks, so I hoped it would be soon. We had been in the house ever since the baby shower. I was usually upstairs sorting baby stuff, and Colson was in the studio. My due date was the 5th, which was in 3 days. I was definitely close. I wasn’t getting a lot of sleep. My back hurt too much to sleep on it for more than a couple of hours. Colson was worried and wanted to go to the hospital, but me being as stubborn as I am, I refused. It was about 11 and I was laying in bed. I fell asleep and heard Colson eventually come in and join me. I woke up the next morning in extreme pain.

“Baby, you need to go to the hospital. You won’t be able to take the pain by yourself for much longer.”

“Fine. I’m done being stubborn. I need something to get rid of the pain.”

“Okay. Let me go get the boys and the bags.” I waited in the car for him. 

“Dub, call Kenzie. Tell her we’re going to the hospital. Please.” I heard her screaming from the front seat on the other end of the phone. She told Dub she was getting a last minute flight here. She wanted to be here before the babies were born. We got to the hospital and the nurse rushed me to a hospital room. The doctor came in and asked me a bunch of questions Colson had to answer for me. I could barely talk.

“Oh Skylar! How are you doing sweetie?” my mom asked as she rushed in the room.

“What…do you think? I’m in a lot of fucking pain.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Hopefully you’ll be done soon. Was Kenzie called?” she asked Colson.

“Uh, yeah. Dub called her.” the doctor came in then to give me pain killers. I was finally able to relax. We were sitting in the room talking a couple of hours later, when Kenzie burst through the door.

“My godchildren are gonna be born soon! I’M SO EXCITED!” she hugged me first.

“I need to breathe Kenzie, let go.”

“Sorry. But here. I got you a little stuffed bear from the gift shop.”

“Because you didn’t just decorate their nurseries…” I muttered under my breath, but thanked her. It was ten at night now, and my family had gone home. The boys, Ash, and Kenzie were still here. 

“When’s Casie coming?” I asked Colson, who was next to me on my bed.

“After they’re born. Her mom…”

“I understand.” I rested my head on his shoulder, and fell asleep. I woke up by myself. I looked around for Colson. He was next to me, only in a chair this time. I felt the sheet under me, which was wet.

“COLSON! My water broke! Get the doctor!” he woke up immediately, and ran out to get the doctor. The next couple of hours were me screaming. I was squeezing Colson’s hand so much, I’m surprised I didn’t hurt him. At 5:09 am, Allie was born. Colson cut the cord and rushed off with her. At 5:15, Colson was born. Kenzie was allowed to cut this one, and rushed him off. I was finally allowed to relax. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to the sound of Casie’s voice.

“Mommy’s awake!” I smiled as I opened my eyes.

“Hi, sweetie. How are you?”

“Happy! They’re so cute!”

“I bet they are. Where are they?”

“Daddy and Kenzie are holding them. Bring them over to Mommy!” she yelled at both of them. I laughed.

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