Chapter 8

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"Wonyoung, your sketches are always beautiful, can you teach me how to that!?" I just laughed at Isa while Jay, who had just arrived, shook his head.

"Ask your cousin," I laughed even more at Jay's response to Isa.

We are now in the cafeteria eating lunch. I don't even know why i'm the one Isa dragged to the cafeteria alongside Jay. Jay gave us a plate of kimchi and bulgogi.

My eyes sparkled which the two immediately noticed and also smiled at me. Jay patted my head and told me to eat a lot. I immediately nodded and excitedly started to eat.

After eating we just talked for a while before Sunoo went to see me. I immediately greeted him with a smile that he also returned to me. He also looked at Jay and Isa before nodding at them and pulling me out of the cafeteria.

We were about to pass the cafeteria when suddenly someone spoke behind us. "Such a pick me! Are the transferees being flirted with these feeling pretty too!? My gosh it's embarrassing!

Sunoo and I turned to the source of that voice. and I saw the girl who was always angry with me.


Sunoo was about to scold her but I stopped him and smiled fakely at Irene. I wrapped my arm around Sunoo's arm to show her how I was holding Sunoo. "Ddeonu, I think I want mint choco ice cream, can we buy it please?" I spoke with my soft voice. Sunoo agreed and tightened my arm around his arm. I was just looking at Irene who now had her eyebrows together and obviously wanted to kill me.

I just rolled my eyes at her and gave her a fake smile. I also pulled Sunoo while being happy that I ruined Irene's mood. We did go to the ice cream shop to buy two mint choco ice creams. I was so happy that I hugged Sunoo and kissed his cheek which made him smile.

"You know you're really like my baby sister Vicky even though you're not, so adorable." I just giggled and ate my ice cream.

I was surprised to suddenly see Sunghoon walking towards our table while staring at me. He sat next to me and pulled my waist to bring me closer to him. When he was satisfied, he also ate the ice cream I was holding. I was just staring at him in surprise while Sunoo was laughing with joy.

"Why are you here?" I'm still surprised to ask. "Why? Is it bad?" He asked back.

"Not really, its just that you'd surprised me" i answered with a pout.

Sunoo immediately laughed while looking at both Sunghoon and me. Sunoo ate his ice cream first before looking at Sunghoon again, teasingly.

"First of all, the flavor of our ice cream is mint chocolate, i'm surprised that you ate that. Second of all, maybe you're just jealous that I can take Vicky away from you!"

Sunghoon's reaction is priceless that me and Sunoo almost shed tears while laughing so hard.

I immediately stopped laughing and just stared at him while he couldn't look at me.

"Is what Ddeonu said true? you're jealous? why?" Sunghoon looked  away before answering in a small voice. "I just don't like the idea of you being with another man."

My heart fluttered hearing those things while Sunoo fake coughed, trying to make his presence known.

Time passed quietly before we returned to the classroom for the next subjects.

I can't focus!!!

My god! What happened to me!?

And why is he even jealous again? Sunghoon? Jealous!?

The classes end with my thoughts all circulating to him. Ugh!

I rushed out of the classroom when Sunghoon suddenly grabbed my arm to stop me from going out.

I pretended to be in a hurry and let myself go of Sunghoon's grip. I quickly run away to be with Rei whose already waiting for me.

I'm so weird.... I am really confused about your feelings and mine.


hi guys it's been awhile and I'm sorry I gave just become too busy about school stuffs you know? So..... I hope you like this one up!!

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