Chapter 11

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I'm sitting silently here beside Sunghoon while he's talking with the elders here. I'm just smiling and answering when someone is asking me a question.

I wish I have the same charms as Hoon's when it comes to appealing on the elders.

I pout about my thoughts, I glanced at Sunghoon to see him laughing while talking with my parents' business partners. These elders aren't that bad, they actually greeted us very warmly but it's just that........ I feel like I need to fake my personality to please them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone asking Sunghoon about his future plans after graduating.

"I'm planning to continue to business school so I can takeover the company that my parents had left in the hands of Mr. Jang."

I looked at him for a second while remembering something.

Some time in the past.....

"Hoon, what do you really want to pursue? I know you like figure skating that's why I'm curious if you're planning to pursue it?"

He looked at me then glanced in front while we're walking at the park near the high school that we're attending.

"Yes I do like figure skating but I actually want to pursue something else. And that something else is...... Acting. I want to act after seeing my grandmother's past achievements in the industry."

He kept quiet while we found a bench to settle on. When we settled on a bench, I took his hands and hold it while looking at him.

"What are you thinking?" He just looked at me and smiled. I squeezed his hands and lean over his shoulder.

"Always remember that I will support you on whatever path you want to take, understood?"

He kissed my forehead as an answer. "Thank you, if you're not here I don't know what will happen to me anymore."

My mind got back in the present when Sunghoon called my name. I looked at him questioningly and scanned the faces in our table confusedly. "You're saying something?"

Sunghoon stared at me for a few seconds before answering me. "They're asking your plans after graduating."

I jolt in surprise after hearing the word 'plans' I looked at everyone hesitantly. I tried to open my mouth but then..... will they be pleased to know that I'm still undecided about my future career?

Sunghoon gently tapped my shoulder before answering the elders. "Let's not pressure her hmm? Maybe she's still not ready to share her plans to us, let's just spare her, can we?"

All of them just shared glances and eventually changed the topic, sparing me from the hot seat. I looked at Sunghoon thankfully and relaxed my tensed up shoulders.

I excused myself to take a phone call when Rei suddenly called. When I reach the balcony where I can talk to her without much noise, I answered her call. "Rei? Why did you call?"

Rei giggled and said something that makes me raise an eyebrow. "Won...... I like you, why can't I just be the one you like?"

I took a sigh when I heard her voice looking so drunk. "Rei, tell me where are you, okay? I'll pick you up." She giggled again and spoke some nonsense gibberish that I just ignored.

"Girl is your GPS open? I'll just track your location. Stay there! And don't go anywhere. Don't talk to strangers, I'll go there."

I hang up the phone and quickly check if I can track her location which fortunately is open. I quickly returned to our table and excused Sunghoon. "What's wrong?" I looked at him and said worryingly. "I need to pick up Rei.... She sound so drunk and I'm afraid something bad might happen to her." He tapped his foot on the floor. "Okay, understood"

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