Chapter 14

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Its been weeks since that call and now I'm stressing over some paperworks that I need to finish when someone covers my eyes with their hands.

"Who's this?" He chuckled a little, making me recognize his voice. "Hoon?!" My eyes are now uncovered by his hands as I saw him peeking on my face while leaning his body towards me.

He just smiled softly and sit beside me. We are in the school's garden right now, sitting on one of the tables here that is for students like me.

I was shocked when he suddenly snatch my notes away and quietly scanned my solutions for a damn math problem.

After a few seconds, he asked me for a pen and I quietly gave him mine as his eyes are still lock on my notes. When he received my pen, he started scribbling something on my notes while I'm busy staring at him.

"Here, look at this. You can't really get right answer because you get the sign here wrong. You also confuse the formula and switch it up, resulting for a different answer." He continued on showing me my wrong solutions while I absent-mindedly look at my notes that is full of his corrections and remarks.

I knew about his penmanship ever since, but I'm still amazed at how clean yet manly is his penmanship. Even my notes looks like a scribble of a toddler compared to his writing...

I curse myself for being this kind of simp. Ugh!

"Hey are you listening?" I suddenly look at him as if I woke up from a long sleep. "Huh?" He just shrugged and explained my mistakes again. I started to listen and concentrate because I. Suck. In. Math.

"Woah! Thank you! I finally got the right answer!" I beamed at him after solving the right answer and hug him tight. He's startled. I can feel it. His shoulders are a bit tensed that's why I stop hugging him and fix my posture to hide my embarrassment.

He chuckled and gave me a... Smoothie? "Oh, why are you giving me this? Thank you though." He smiles softly and just stares in my eyes making me feel flushed.

"Well... I won't be around this weekend since I'll visit my grandparents. But I want you to taste that strawberry smoothie that I made." I suddenly feel down because of what he said. I mean it's okay to visit his grandparents since they are his family, but I... Feel lonely thinking he won't be around the mansion.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm just going to stay in my condo or be with my friends." It's true. I don't mind it, I'm just having lonely thoughts. I pout at my thoughts and I think he noticed it. "What's with the pout?" He asked worriedly.

"You're here by Monday right? I'm... going to miss you" I whispered the last words before sighing deeply.

He seemed to heard it judging from his smirk. I just rolled my eyes and look at my phone when it buzzes too much. I turned it on only to find our gc buzzing again.

Yujin: @wonywonthem where are you!? Someone's messaging me, looking for you.

                                  What? Me?

Rei: where are the both of you? I'm here in our classroom and you're not here!


Rei: nevermind. I'll just roam around and find your pretty faces. Bye!

I turned off my phone and glances at Sunghoon, who's watching me intently. "I'm sorry, it's my friends. They're looking for me" he nods and stands up. "Then let's go to them, how about that?" I smiled and nodded before fixing my things and bringing my bag. When he saw me holding my bag, he get my bag away from me and carry it with him instead.

While we're walking, I messaged Rei and Yujin to meet me at the cafeteria. When suddenly, a guy stops us from our track and smiles at me. "Hi, my friend wants to ask for your number? Wonyoung, right? He likes you" I smiled politely and looks around, confusedly before meeting Sunghoon's frowning face.

"I'm sorry but she's not available. Please refrain from asking her number, she's not interested." He excuses us and continued our walk, leaving the guy shyly rubbing his nape.

"Where have you been Wony?" Yujin said after seeing me and Sunghoon walking towards their table.

"I think I know why she's not interested on messaging in our GC" Rei said teasingly.

"Stop it girls I'm just at the garden and Sunghoon is teaching about that damned formula of math." Yujin just laughed while Rei is talking to Sunghoon who answered her politely.

"Anyways, I'm here because I'm inviting you on my house to celebrate my little sister's birthday!" I looked at Rei and remembered Riye, her sister. "She's turning what now?" I ask Rei curiously. "15!" Rei said eagerly.

"Riye's turning 15?! We need to go! We must go! Omg I didn't know that my baby is that old now!" Yujin looked excited.

"Oh, hello there! So you're a student here? You're that—" Yujin covered his mouth as her eyes are widened with a tint of blush.

"Excuse me, I need to deal with this first" Yujin excused herself then drag the guy away from our table, leaving us all confused.

"What just happened?" I looked at Rei questioningly while Rei shrugs confusedly. "I think I'll tell someone about this." Rei noddingly said then smirk devilishly.

"Who?" I asked curiously. She just shrugs while smirking, making me feel irritated. I roll my eyes at her then glance at Sunghoon who's looking at me, amused.

I raised an eyebrow at him that makes him laugh a bit and put his hands up in the air as if his surrendering over something. "Chill" I glared at him because I am so irritated by Rei and now I am also irritated at how it seems like his enjoying my confusion very much.

I ignored the both of them and just played with my phone when Yeonjun came. "Hey Liz" Liz laughed a bit before waving at him with teasing smile. "May I seat with you all?" I looked at Yeonjun and think for a while before agreeing.

"Why aren't you eating? You're in the cafeteria after all" I stared at Yeonjun before glancing at the food counter. "We're waiting for Yujin before we eat. Why don't you eat with us too" Liz smiles while trying to stifle a laugh. Yeonjun frowned then look at Liz before looking at me.

"But I think you're hungry, aren't you?" I was startled when Yeonjun asked me that question. "I'll buy my food now, do you want to come with me?" I look at Yeonjun and my tummy suddenly send signals of hunger that's why I nodded quickly. I planned to stand but someone put their hand on my shoulders stopping me from standing up. I look at the owners of that hand, Sunghoon.  "Stay here, I'll buy whatever food you like"

What the?

Hi guys happy early Valentines day to you all!! I hope you'll enjoy the day tomorrow and have fun with our Jangkku muah!

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