Chapter 2

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Elliana Pov:

I wake up to my alarm buzzing. I slam my alarm shut as I groan. I sit up from my bed and yawn. I strut over to my closet and pick out some Nike shorts with a Nike shirt. I change into what I picked out and braid my hair. I grab some long Nike socks and put those on. I then slip on my crocs and grab my soccer bag.

I walk into the kitchen and see Issy and Audrey sitting down and eating breakfast. There's a plate of food next to them, which I'm assuming is for me.

"Morning" I mutter sitting down on the island

"Morning we made you breakfast," Issy says

Audrey lifts her eyebrow up. "We?" She questions

"Right Audrey made us breakfast" Issy snorts

"Thanks, Audrey" I smile

"No problem eat up you'll need the energy for today's practice.

Once we all finish breakfast we grab our bags and start walking toward the field. Issy, Audrey, and I are talking about getting to know each other better. The campus is beautiful though. I really like it

Once we get to the field there are about 26 more people on the field. I start to get nervous but soon disappear once Issy puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I smile at her in gratitude.

We quickly changed into our cleats and we put on our shin guards. Then we walk over to the group of girls. Coach is there and he huddles us up into a circle.

"Morning Girls" She greets us "Those of you who are returning, welcome back to another year, and those who are in their first year here at school welcome to the team. Let us start by introducing ourselves. I'll go first my name is Margaret Rodriguez and I expect all of you to try your best and work hard this season." Coach says

"My name is Katelyn Mahoney I'm a junior"

"I'm Marykate Ward and I'm a sophomore"

"I'm a junior and my name is Sofia Weber"

"Chloe Landers, junior

"My name is Lucy Cappadona, I'm also a junior"

"Jessica Mazo, senior"

"Audrey Hart, sophomore"

"Jada Konte, I'm a junior"

"Sophie McCarthy, I'm a sophomore"

"My name is Isabella Barlowe and I'm a freshman"

"I'm Elliana Westbrook, I'm also a freshman"

Once we're all done introducing ourselves practice starts. It wasn't anything heavy. It was more conditioning drills and helped us with our resistance and speed, some drills were meant for the goalkeepers. And at the end, we did a scrimmage. The practice was pretty fun.

I changed out of my cleats and took off my shin guards. I grabbed my bag and was getting ready to leave when a few of my upperclassmen called my name.

"Elliana!" Jada called out for me

I turn around to face them. "What's up?" I ask

"We're gonna go hang out with some of the women's basketball team. Wanna come?" Chloe asks

"Yeah sure I'm down" I reply smiling

"Cool! Let's go" Sophie says


Sophie, Jada, Chole, Audrey, Issy, and I ended up walking to a restaurant near campus to meet up with the basketball team. Honestly, I was pretty excited to meet some of them.

Once we arrived we entered the restaurant. There was a table with people there waving at us to come. We walked toward there and sat at the table with them. I sat next to Jada and Issy.

"Hey long time no see" Chloe jokes around

"Yeah been pretty long huh?" a dark-skinned girl said

"No introductions Chris?" Jada responds

"Shoot forgot about that, I'm Christyn Williams. That's Olivia" She says pointing to a very tall girl "Aubrey, and Evina," She says pointing to my sister and the girl next to her "And that's Nika and Paige" she finishes

Paige and I make eye contact. I look down at my hands, feeling the heat in my cheeks. I could tell I was blushing. The girl in front of me was beautiful though.

"This is where you suppose to introduce yourselves now" Olivia jokes around laughing

"Yeah, right, I'm Chloe, she's Jada," she says looking at Jada "That's Sophie and Aubrey," Chloe says pointing at the two of them "and those two are the star freshies, Issy and Elli," Chloe says smiling at us

Jada wraps her arm around my shoulder shaking me a bit and grinning from ear to ear. "You two are literally all Coach talks about, she swears you guys are gonna get us to the championship game," Jada says looking at the two of us

"Woah that puts so much weight on our shoulders" I joke around smiling

"Yeah might as well go get a red card" Issy exclaims laughing

Jada slaps both of our heads. We both groan in pain holding the spot on our head she hit us.

"Thanks for hitting my little sister Jada would have done it myself," Evina says

"No problem I knew she would be trouble'' Jada laughs joking around

I glare at both of them. "Great with you two, I'm gonna get a concussion sooner than I thought, no need to be the goalkeeper for that" I sarcastically say

"Keep running that mouth of yours and you'll get it in sooner than you think," Evina scolding says

I stick my tongue out at her, before sinking in my seat as everyone laughs at our mini argument.

We all spent the time getting to know one another. We were all joking around with one another. Nika and Issy ended up getting into an argument about which food was better. It was really funny to hear.

We were all about to leave when someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see that it was Paige.

"I was wondering if I could get your number. You know to hangout sometime" She asked

I blush a light pink. "Uhm yeah sure"

We exchange numbers before walking out together. "Thanks, I'll call you soon," she says smiling

I nod smiling at her. We both walk towards our dorms calling it a night. Once I get to my dorm I get ready for bed as I have some classes the next morning.

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