Chapter 9

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Elliana Pov:

Paige led me to her car. She opened the door for me which I thought was very sweet of her. She had intertwined our fingers together, both of our hands rested in my lap. So she was driving with one hand. Along the ride we were joking around with each other every now and then she would make me blush. As soon as we reached the destination Paige reached over to the backseat and grabbed a blindfold.

I looked at her confused with my eyebrow raised, "What's that for?" I ask

She just smiles, "Part of a surprise" She replies, "Can you put it on?"

"Yeah sure, as long as this isn't a plan for abducting me" I joke which causes her to chuckle

"I would never"

She hands me the blindfold and I put it on. I hear her get out of the car, closing the door behind her. Then seconds later my side of the door opens. She helps me get out of the car. she grabs one of my hands and wraps her arm around my waist. She walks me toward an area, and high I'm assuming has the surprise. Then she stops guiding me towards the place.

"Ok when I count to three take off the blindfold" She says




I remove the blindfold and see a beautiful picnic. My heart did a backflip at the sight and I just couldn't help but smile. She had set up a blanket on the grass and it had all my favorite foods layers out. There was a speaker. It was on a hill which had a beautiful view to the sky, which by the way had a perfect sight of the sun setting.

I was in utter shock that she would do something like this just for me. I turn around to face her.

"Do you like it?" She asks

"I love it" I reply

She smiles, "Great now c'mon the food isn't gonna eat itself" She jokes

I laugh and grab her hand as we walk over to what she had set up for today. We sit down and I look at the view of the sun setting. Paige grabs her phone and plays some music, she puts it on a low volume.We spent the time eating and talking with each other.

Paige made me feel like we're the only two people in the world that matter right now. She made me feel like I was special. She made my heart do flips with just simple movements.

I hear my favorite song appear and I smile. It was Dandelions by Ruth B. I get up and brush myself off and offer her my hand.

"Come dance with me" I say smiling

She smiles while taking my hand. I wrap my arms around her neck whilst she wraps her arms around my waist. We sway to the sound of the music. I rest my head on her shoulder as I sing the lyrics of the song.

"Maybe it's the way you say my name," I hum quietly

"Maybe it's the way you play your game"

"But it's all good"

"I've never known anybody like you"

"But it's all good"

"I've never dreamed of nobody like you"

" And I've heard of a live that comes once in a lifetime"

"And I'n pretty sure that you are that love of mine"

"Cause I'm in a field of dandelions wishing on everyone that you'll be mine, mine"

"And I see forever in your eye"

"I feel ok when I see you smile, smile"

"Elli" Paige says

I pick my head up from her shoulder looking at her. "Yeah?"

"You know I've been thinking a lot lately," she says

"Yeah what about?" I say

"About us," She says softly, "Ever since I met you and I saw you smile, I knew immediately I wanted to get to know you more, I wanted to know everything about you. You make me the happiest person ever when I'm around you. I love your laugh. I love your smile, especially when your dimples appear. I love your personality, and I love the way you care so much about your friends and family. I love the way you are so passionate about the game you love. I promise to always be there for you, whatever it is you're going through. I promise to always stand by your side. I will be here for you if you need someone to talk to. Honestly Elli, I can't imagine what I would do if you weren't in my life. So will you make me the happiest person in the world and say yes to being my girlfriend?" She says looking at me in the eyes.

I can't help but smile at her. I feel my heart do millions and millions of backflips. I feel the heat run in my cheeks. In the moment I feel so happy. "I'd love to" I say smiling

She smiles, "Can I kiss you Elli?"

I nod my head yes.

She leans down as I lean up, our lips pressed together. My eyes fluttered close. I move one of my hands to play with the little hairs at the back of her neck. She moves one of her hands to cup my cheek. The kiss was slow and passionate, it expressed the emotions we felt towards each other. She moves me closer to her by my waist. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever.

We pull away to catch our breath. Our foreheads rested on each other. I smile at her, she smiles back. She hugs me and I hug her back. We hug swaying back and forth to the music playing in the background.

Woah, what a night.

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