Chapter 19

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Elli Pov:

All the rides were amazing and super fun. Hanging out with everyone was really fun. It helped us bond more with each other. It was nice hanging out with everyone and building strong friendships. Six Flags was nothing compared to the parks at home, Six Flags was bigger and more fun. It had more rides too. It even had games where you could win stuffed animals at.

We were currently walking around the park. I and Paige were walking hand in hand. As were walking I noticed this big stuffed animal. It was a koala. It was hanging on a mini basketball game stand.

Paige must've noticed me looking at it and smiled. "Do you want it?" She whispered in my ear.

I turned to look at her and nodded. "But you don't have to, really."

"No, it's okay I want to," She says, squeezing my hand. "Hey guys, me and Elli are going to play some games" She calls everyone.

Everyone responds with "okay" or "alright".

When Paige and I arrive at the game, the guy who was in charge of the game immediately recognizes Paige.

"Oh my god! It's Paige Bueckers!" He says excitedly.

Paige gives the guy her signature smile that I've learned to adore. "Yeah, yeah it is. Uhm how much to win that guy?" She asks pointing at the koala.

"5 baskets in a row" The guy responds, smiling.

Paige hands the man a 15 dollar bill and he gives Paige the 5 mini basketballs. She dribbles the mini basketball once and when she's about to shoot she turns to me and winks at me which caused me to blush slightly.


She makes the next one.


And the one after that.


Nothing but net.


And the last one.


She turns to me and smiles. "Light work," She says shrugging and smiling

"So I'm assuming you want the koala?" The man asks.

"Yes sir" She responds.

The man grabs the koala with the help of a pole to unhang it. He gives the koala to Paige who turns around and gives it to me with a smile on her face.

"I think this belongs to you milady," She says with a British accent which makes me giggle.

"Thank you," I say giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, and smiling before messing around with the koala that I just had gotten.

She smiles back before thanking the guy and grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together. "What you gonna name the little guy?" She asks as we walk to find the rest of the group who went to go ride The Batman.

"I don't know but it has to be something unique" I respond looking at her. "Any ideas," I ask.

"Fred's a good name for an animal like him," She says shrugging.

"Fred is a basic name," I respond.

"Really? I thought Fred is a great name. I like the name, Fred" She says pouting.

I giggle at her actions before quickly kissing her cheek which makes her smile. "What about Comet?" I ask her.

"Comet," She says doing a little gesture with her free hand. "I like it, it has a nice ring to it" She responds.

I laugh at her gestures. "Comet it is," I smile.


"I think we should ride it," RJ says backing up Tyrese and pointing to the Superman ride, which was the biggest and scariest ride here.

"Absolutely not!" Issy emphasized, waving her hands around, making her look more dramatic than she was already being. "What are you trying to do? Kill me?" She shouted.

"You'll be fine, a little ride won't hurt you, besides it's fun and you don't get to ride these ride everyday," Jacob, one of my close friends on the soccer team said to Issy.

"Yeah, you'll be fine," Caleb, another one of my friends said to Issy giving her a quick smile.

She sighs before looking at all of us, especially Caleb and Jacob. "If i die, I will kill you," She said in a deep voice making the boys shiver and the girls laugh awkwardly.


"That was the worst ride I have ever been on in the 19 years I've been alive," Issy said, getting some pieces of hair out of her face.

"Yeah between the multiple times Issy screamed and those loops we did that got me dizzy, it wasn't the best ride I've been on," Nika said holding her head.

"What do you mean? I thought it was a great ride!" Tyler said.

"You say jumping off a roof and hurting yourself is fun. You also say getting people mad is fun yet when they yell or hit you, you complain. I don't want to hear anything out of you mouth, considering the fact you hang out with Elli and that little trouble making of friend group you both had in all of middle school and high school," Evina said jokingly, looking at Tyler then back at me with a skeptical look.

Tyler looked at me, as I looked at him then we both started laughing. "We weren't bad, you can't complain, we made your senior year of high school fun" Tyler said wiggling his eyebrows like a little kid.

"Yeah and you can't talk either because you also had trouble makers of a friend group" I say giving her the same look she gave me and Tyler.

"Yeah, remember all those things you did in your senior year of high school?" Tyler said laughing.

"Your telling me E over year did some bad stuff" Christyn asks shocked, frantically putting her hand over her heart.

"Oh my god, who would've thought." Olivia says joining in whilst everyone else laughed at the conversation.

"Mama E was a trouble maker?" Paige says grinning.

"Alright that's enough" Evina says looking at her teammates. "And I didn't cause that much trouble," She said turning around to look at me and Tyler because we were next to each other.

Tyler and I look at each other before smiling and raising our eyebrows almost in a teasing manner.

"The time when you purposely threw a party when Mum wasn't home," I said counting one on my finger, meaning that was one of the multiple things she did.

"Or the time when you cussed at the teacher in your junior year," Tyler added counting two on his fingers.

"Oh and don't forget that time-"

"Okay, okay! I get it! I caused a lot of trouble!" Evina yelled rolling her eyes, as everybody laughed again.

Me and Tyler high fives each other as I smirked in victory as seeing my sister in defeat whilst Tyler grinned like an idiot.

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