Chapter 27

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Elli Pov:

"You suck at this game!" Paige says laughing, her eyes glued to the screen in front of her.

Paige and Nika were currently playing NBA2k on the tv while me and Issy were sitting on the couch watching them bicker like children. I was next to Paige laying my head on her shoulder as I got some schoolwork on my laptop done. Every so often Issy would get texts from Jayden making her blush and giggle like a middle schooler. It was adorable but also annoying.

"Shut up, I'm trying to work these controllers, and you're only winning because your shooting threes with Steph Curry," Nika says puffing her cheeks out in annoyance, pressing random buttons on her controller making her player miss the shot.

"Excuses," Paige says as she pauses the game, and stands and walks towards the kitchen. "I'm hungry," 

"Your always hungry, you're like a 6-year-old who needs attention all the time," Issy says looking up from her phone and laughing.

"Am not!" She pouts.

"Are too!'

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"I do not act like a 6-year-old and I do not act like I need attention every single day!" She whines like a child making ISsy prove her point

"Okay whatever you say Bueckers," Issy responds texting on her phone again.

"Let's get you something to eat," I respond standing up from my spot on the couch and walking over to the kitchen where the child of my girlfriend who was still pouting with her arms crossed was standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"Come on you big baby," I say kissing her cheek, grabbing her hand, and walking to the door. "You guys want anything?"

"Nah I'm good,"

"I'm not hungry"

"Okay," I respond before dragging Paige out of the dorm.


Paige and I were currently waiting in line for some pizza at Pizza Hut.

"I think my parents are coming next week to watch Evina play against Tennesee. They called me yesterday telling me. They also said they wanted to meet you in person," I say, trailing off at the end.

"Next week? I think that when my dad is coming to watch our game too, Our parents would get to meet each other," She says smiling.

"Yeah, they will," I respond

We order our food and order it to go so we can eat it at Paige's dorm. We ended up getting extra pizza just in case Nika or Issy wanted some. Once we arrive at Paige's dorm we place the pizza on the island and she starts eating.

Issy was still on her phone and Nika was still trying to figure out how to play the game by herself. It was pretty funny to watch.

"Elli," Paige says breaking me out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I reply looking at her.

"How many children do you want in the future?" She asks.

This question shocked me just a little, just like when she asked me that first question on our little cafe 'date'. This question was all of a sudden too. But it warmed my heart letting me know that she wanted a future with me.

"I don't know maybe like three. Why?" I ask.

"Just taking notes for the future," She responds winking, making me blush a light pink.

"I want to have 2 or 3 kids too," She says smiling, "Two boys and one girl,"

I smile at her as I lean over and kiss her cheek, "You're cute,"

"I'm so done with this game! It's making me mad," Nika huffs walking over to the kitchen. "Ooo, pizza," She says grabbing a few from the box.

"So Nika, what's up with you and my best friend?" I ask.

"What?" She responds.

"Oh you know, you and Tyler, you two have been texting more often," Paige says raising one of her eyebrows as she takes a bite of her pizza.

"Oh uhm nothing," she replies

"Oh, that's a shame because I think he likes you," I say looking at my nails nonchalantly to make her get a reaction.

"HE MIGHT LIKE ME BACK?" She shouts excitedly.

"So there is something going on between you two?" Paige says smirking playfully,

Nika rolls her eyes at Paige as she looks at me.

"What is it with basketball players going after soccer players?" I ask looking between the two basketball stars in front of me making both of them blush and look away. "But in all seriousness Nika I think he does like you back, Iv'e have never seen him like that ever since high school when he fell in love with this other girl,"

She smiles, "So will you help me get with him?" 

"Of course," I smile

She jumps over and gives me a huge hug before going back and eating her pizza excitingly.


I was currently brushing my teeth, and getting ready for bed. I was just about to spit the toothpaste out of my mouth when Paige comes from behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing a few kisses to my shoulder.

"Will you help me with my essay?" Paige asks

"Yeah sure, what's it on?" I ask

"It's about someone who inspires you," She responds

"Okay, who'd you choose," I ask

"Kobe Bryant," She says smiling

"I can help you write it but you gotta have your information all set and ready for me to help you with the actual essay part," I respond poking her chest with my finger.

"Yeah of course," she replies

"When is it due?" I ask

"Tonight at midnight," She says nonchalantly

My eyes widen, "Have you even started it?" I ask. She shakes her head 'no' making me slap her shoulder, "Paige!"

We ended up getting her essay done at 12 on the dot.

Never again am I helping Paige this late at night.

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