Dude, you're down bad.

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Taehyun loves Kai; he really does.

But sometimes— most times , he asks himself why. Especially when the said male makes the most questionable life decisions ever.

(Although, what he questions more is how he's always convinced to indulge them. Every single time.)

"Since when have you been a fan of car racing?" Taehyun inquires with confusion painted all over his face.

They were in a racing circuit approximately an hour away from where they live. Complete with bleachers and pit stops, zigzagging routes and a main office building. Taehyun didn't even know such a place existed nearby; not until Kai barged into his apartment unannounced, with the invitation and ticket already settled.

A trap, if Taehyun says so himself, because Kai knew he wouldn't be able to refuse now.

"Since three days ago." Kai answers shamelessly, pulling Taehyun to sit on the front pews, the closest possible seat to get a great view of the dazzling race cars lined up to start. Taehyun was looking at him with something short of disbelief, "Look, I was only interested in the designs since I need references for my project. But one thing led to another and before I knew it, my Youtube history is full of racing videos."

An exasperated sigh blew past his lips and he groans in complaint. He can't be serious right now, can he?

Three days. Three days of watching cars instead of doing his midterm project. Had brought Taehyun into this catastrophe—

But at the sight of Kai's pleading eyes and pouting lips, a weapon of mass destruction if he may be very honest, he couldn't help but just give in to his best friend's antics.

Don't get him wrong, Taehyun is all about fun and spontaneity. Curious and wanderlust. Easily agreeing to most plans and carrying himself with light on his feet; believing that everything is enjoyable and that you can only float if you think happy thoughts.

Yet he doesn't understand what's so fun in watching cars drive circles around a track, on a hot day, on a bright Saturday afternoon where he could've been out shopping with Yeonjun instead. But he supposes not everything should be understood, so why not?

Kai's cute anyway, he'll give him that.

"Okay fine." Taehyun concedes, glancing at the cars getting ready. "Well, who are you rooting for then?"

Kai's face brightened up and it's enough to make him want to enjoy this; he did make the effort of buying those expensive ass tickets and the whole ride to this place. And besides, he was a little intrigued as to what captured Kai's attention so much that it got to this point.

"That white car at the third spot. Number 13. He's really fucking cool." His best friend gushes out, hands flailing about animatedly whenever he explains stuff, and Taehyun listens to his ramblings attentively as they wait for the race to start.

There, he finds out that it was a young racer, the same age as them even. And according to Kai, he was attractive as hell, has knowledge over his shit, and is goddamn good at what he does. Oh boy, Taehyun was a lot intrigued now.

And really, who would've known he would enjoy it much more than he expected to. Because an hour or two had passed and both of them are screaming at the top of their lungs when Number 13 sped through the finish line first, with a gap of 4.56 seconds to the next.

The crowd was roaring with them; some hugging and exchanging high-fives, some claiming their money from bets made, some waving at the car slowly making its way back to the pits, waiting for the winning driver to come out and receive their burning cheers.

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