Love Me Like You Do

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If there's something Taehyun tends to like, it's to challenge himself.

Whether it's on the theater stage during a show, in his chosen course with tons of projects, or simply on dares with his chaotic friends, he never backs down on anything. Always pushing through his limits, stepping over boundaries and doing his utmost best despite its mediocrity. At the expense of his mind and body, spending days with little to no sleep, he goes all out for all of them. It just had to be as close to perfect as it can get.

He's always been like that. A perfectionist, a dreamer, a writer of his own fairy tale.

What more if it's with his choice of prince?

Beomgyu is standing across the hall, a hand in his pocket as he scans today's lunch menu. Simple in a white shirt and black pants, yet catching everyone's attention. Even the lunch aunties swoon over him, giving him an extra piece of whatever he orders and cooing when he says his thanks.

It's also a daily occurrence for someone to show up by their table and confess to him; some with a sincere letter, others with a generous gift. Beomgyu declines all of them. Saying his usual thank you, but I'm not interested.

Taehyun watched all of it: how their nervous approach deflate, how they quickly make their exit, how the numbers rise to 350. Still, there's not a twitch on Beomgyu's handsome face.

"Next time you flirt with me, make sure to make me blush."

Oh, he's taking that challenge, alright.

He starts it off with . . .

"Hey Beomgyu?" Taehyun asks one day, as they were walking towards the parking lot, once again hitching a ride because Soobin is with Kai. (And because he's shameless enough to ask his crush for it.)

"Yeah?" Beomgyu responds.

"Aren't you tired of driving? I mean, you do it everyday." His tone is innocent, gauging.

Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows, taking the bait. "Sometimes I do. Why'd you ask?"

"Because you've been going around my head and it's driving me crazy." Taehyun says smoothly, punctuating it with a wink.

His crush was surprised by the sudden pick-up line, clearly unexpecting it. Not expecting Taehyun to take what he said seriously.

Snorting, Beomgyu says, "Nice try, Taehyun. That's so generic."

Well, at least he said it was nice.

And then during one of Taehyun's after school practices, Beomgyu comes in the room to wait for him. At this point in time, it became a routine for the racer to drive him home, being on his way and all and their schedules kind of lining. Also because Soobin started bringing his own vehicle too, in order to take Kai around for a ride.

He's so envious of his best friend's blooming relationship, but at the same time, he's very happy for them.

Kai is adorable and had always been glowing, but now that he has his own muse in Soobin, he seemed even brighter. Soobin is the same, like he has a new reason to enjoy university amidst his busy workload.

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