I'm not clingy.

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More than a week into the relationship and Taehyun discovers something about Beomgyu that he did not expect at all. Given the bluntness of his nature and the tsundere-ish attitude, it seemed utterly . . . out of character.

Well, he did learn that everything about Beomgyu is unexpected. Like a book full of plot twists in each chapter you unravel, you just keep going to know the story better.

It was subtle, gradual; he wouldn't even notice it if he wasn't paying close attention.

But he is. And now, his mind is spinning as his boyfriend walks him to class. A hand perfectly secured on his waist, like it had always belonged there.

Because if Taehyun is clingy, well, Beomgyu is touchy.

It started from the casual hand holding; whenever they walk side by side, or hiding it underneath their lunch table, or just any time Taehyun reaches for him and Beomgyu automatically entwines their fingers together. (And the fact that Taehyun is left-handed and Beomgyu is right-handed made it even better.)

Holding Beomgyu's hands is as natural as breathing. Like they're magnetic, attaching onto each other whenever they're in close distance.

There was even a time when the racer held his hand while driving his bike, Taehyun remembers it all too well because holy fuck, it was so simple, yet so romantic.

Taehyun's arms were wrapped around Beomgyu's waist, like usual, as they weaved through the afternoon traffic rush. Once again going on a joyride he doesn't know where, trusting his boyfriend who knows the cityscapes much more than he ever bothered to.

That was one of the advantages of dating a racer — you can literally go anywhere anytime. And the only worry you'd have is whether you're close to running out of gas.

The destination didn't matter. What matters is who you're with.

Which is why when they stopped at a stoplight, Taehyun felt a gloved hand sneak its way into his palm, intertwining their fingers together tightly. Feeling the warmth even through leather.

In the middle of the busy streets. I mean, whose boyfriend would do that, right? It was uniquely Beomgyu's way of being clingy.

Beomgyu had turned to him for a second, bumping their helmets affectionately until the lights turn green and he had to let go.

Taehyun hugs him tighter then, blushing and heart soaring. And his boyfriend repeats the gesture.

Sometimes, it's Taehyun initiating. Looping an arm with Beomgyu's whenever he sees him around campus, catching his attention and the other students' as well. It helps that he's shameless enough to show off that this guy, this popular kid who rejected the entire student body (mostly), is dating him.

He just couldn't help but be smug about it. And rightfully so.

Hugging his arm whenever they walk around the mall, it was easier to pull him to a shop that he likes. Or occasionally leaning on his shoulder adorably as he bats his lashes until Beomgyu agrees on what movie to watch or where to hang-out next.

And then Beomgyu is pulling his hand from his pocket and wordlessly holding his, and they're off to another date.

Or when he finds his boyfriend on his usual spot in the library, hunched over another one of his books with that golden-rimmed glasses he barely uses, Taehyun would shamelessly drape himself over his back. Peeking over his shoulder to discover another engineering textbook and then leaving an encouraging peck on his temple.

And when he returns with his own book a couple of minutes later, Beomgyu still has that pink flush on his cheeks, pulling Taehyun's chair closer to his.

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