See you tomorrow.

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After successfully making Beomgyu blush, Taehyun had taken it upon himself to shoot more shots. Shamelessly flirting with his crush every chance he gets, with playful winks and charming smiles, along with those . . . corny pick-up lines he got from Google.

(And yes, he's been rejected, but that little fact is not going to stop him any time in the future.)

It's not like he wasn't pretty enough, or the lines weren't good (somewhat), or his approach was predictable. It's just that, Beomgyu is not easy to fluster.

It would've been fine, sure. Taehyun's kind of used to it anyway.

But that's not the main problem here.

The problem is that Beomgyu had started flirting back.

Shooting down his attempts, attractive smirks and coy eyebrow raises, and countering pick-up lines with something twice the effect.

"Be careful of smiling on the road. You might blind other drivers." Taehyun grins, sitting across from him in the lunch hall, saying the pick-up line when Beomgyu smiled at him. Kai and Soobin groans.

Beomgyu raised an eyebrow, amused once more. "Then you shouldn't go out on the streets, Taehyunnie. Even bystanders may get distracted."

It's Taehyun who was left blushing the entire day.

"Okay, what's the deal?" Soobin leans in front of his locker, arms crossed and gaze skeptical as he waits for his cousin to finish returning his books.

The racer knows what he's talking about. Soobin had been tiptoeing around the topic for a while now, and Beomgyu wasn't insensitive to not acknowledge his surroundings. As well as his own feelings.

Soobin is referring to Taehyun and their continuous closeness.

He couldn't blame him for the question, or prior observation. It had been very unusual of Beomgyu to entertain anyone outside of his personal circle, especially someone he rejected. Even more so for him to flirt back.

But he guesses, there's reasons to it.

Beomgyu was about to respond when two girls appeared by their side, shy expressions on their faces, and small gifts on their hands. Instantly knowing their intentions. They were pushing each other to speak until Soobin cleared his throat.

"Ah! Um. Hi Beomgyu . . . We like you and we just um, want you to accept this gift. We— We're not hoping for a reply since you've said that you're not interested b— but please, accept it." One of them said, before bowing and presenting said gifts — a hand-knit pair of gloves, and a pack of baked cookies.

There's surprise that colored his face at the effortful gifts, albeit just a flicker. But eventually, he smiles at them, a dimple showing, "I appreciate it, but I don't accept gifts."

"M— May we ask why?" The other girl bravely asked when he turned back to his locker to resume what he was doing. No one dared ask him that before, intimidated by his cold stare and blunt tongue, but it seemed like these days, they're taking advantage of the instance that he's . . . a little softer.

And everyone's aware of it. Which is why the rest of the students in the hall were awaiting for his answer.

"I'm not accepting the confession that's why I don't deserve the effort you put into making these. I do appreciate it, really, but I can't take it. I hope you understand." Beomgyu says, sincerely. Catching everyone off guard by his gentle (and different) rejection.

They had already left when Soobin speaks to him again; observing him the entire time, looking at him as if he grew a second head. There's some gears turning in his brain that's fitting quite well, but first, he had to make sure.

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