I was so scared.

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Taehyun parks the car right in the driveway of Beomgyu's family home, smoothly turning off the engine and checking if everything is in its rightful place: the papers are nestled on the passenger's seat, new fluffy pillows on the back, lavender air-freshener on the dashboard. There's even a small gold locket hanging on the rearview mirror, containing his favorite picture of them.

He smiles to himself, heart thumping double beats as he proceeds to the trunk, pulling out a giant pink bow to place on top of the newly-bought vehicle. Hoping his surprise is a success.

It's a totally random gift; there's no occasion to celebrate nor a milestone achieved. But Taehyun just wanted to give Beomgyu something, anything to show how much he appreciates him.

What's a better gift than the car his racer boyfriend had been gawking?

Giggling to himself, he remembers how much Beomgyu ogled at his phone, watching these car showcase videos on Youtube. Getting sucked in by the device with how close he put it on his face; it was adorable. His eyes were gleaming with stars, checking it out like it was his baby — Taehyun was almost jealous, really.

And when he asked about its specs, Beomgyu couldn't stop gushing about its fully-electric system, amazing horsepower and practicality, and impressive dashboard variety, going as far as speaking in his mechanical engineering jargon and patiently explaining to him every good points of the vehicle. Both in interior and performance.

(Right then and there, Taehyun decided he would gift him the car of his dreams. But boy, the price was a significant trim in his bank account.)

Deeming everything to be perfect and in its rightful place, he enters the house and swiftly walked to the garage at the back, knowing Beomgyu would be there. He passed by the kitchen where he briefly greeted Nanny Min, past the hallway where the twin's laughter was echoing, and then through the backdoor where the Choi cousins are spending their time poking into Soobin's car engine.

Car geeks. How adorable.

"Hey!" He greets, skipping towards Beomgyu, who perked at the sound of his voice.

"Babe, hey." An easy smile peeks on the racer's lips, wrapping his arms around Taehyun's waist for an embrace. "You didn't tell me you were coming over. Again."

"Get used to it." Taehyun answers cheekily, pecking at Beomgyu's cheek. He looks at Soobin, silently communicating their plan for today; Has he suspected anything? "Hey Bin! What's up with your car?"

"Nothing's up." Soobin shrugs, shaking his head; Nope, he's oblivious. "We were just looking at it trying to see if we can modify some parts."

Good, he nods. "I see." He says.

They really are car geeks; the vehicle is perfectly fine and here they go messing around, playing mechanic like a kid who got his first ever toy. (Admittedly, Taehyun finds it attractive of Beomgyu. Soobin, however . . .)

Anyway, speaking of toys, "Where's the Veneno?"

Beomgyu pulls away slightly from their hug, looking over at the table behind him. Right beside his new project is Taehyun's gift, neatly placed and taken care of. His heart swells seeing it there, nearby. Even if it was very questionable to have, considering he's an adult and should be playing with real life cars instead, he appreciates the gesture and keeps it close to him most times; like the toy is bringing back his childhood innocence.

(At one time, Beomgyu sent him a video from the car's POV. The sound of the miniature engine roaring to life and driving around his room. Turns out he attached a GoPro on the toy and tried chasing Precious with it. Who was meowing the whole time and stopping it from advancing with her little paws. Poor kitty.)

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