The Cult Mechanicum - the introduction

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We return to the crowded flat, with most of the occupants awaiting the further explanations in the ways of the Machine Cult.

Advent: /Lecture mode/ Now we will move to the inner workings of the Adeptus Mechanicus-

Pilar: Wait, there's more than a single way of doing it?

Advent: /Proud/ Of course! There are different ranks and professions within the Mechanicus ranks, often filled with different sorts of individuals.

David: /Excited/ Nova! So are there any of you that are ready to battle?!

While Gloria wanted to scold David for being so enthusiastic and narrow minded Advent eased the tension with a chuckle.

Advent: /Mock hurt/ Oh David... I though I have shown you, that I am quite capable in the field of battle!

David: /Sheepish/ Sorry-

Advent: /Chuckling/ There are far more battle driven adepts, and as you saw - war machines and Skitarii legions!

This got the attention of everyone, as this was entirely new topic, while many shuddered just what sort of battle orientation could mean from such axe wielding, metalic monstrosity...

Advent: First! Let us begin with Adept paths, or as you can call it, career specializations.

This has gotten attention of Gloria, who is curious just what professions might there be...

Advent: Usually the adepts are able to follow one of the basic principles with these being: The Explorators - Explorators take on the quest for knowledge more than any other discipline. They reach far into the depths of unknown space searching for archeotech, new species and even new worlds.

This amazed most of them as they always yearn for adventures, and Lucy was especially enamored with this profession, as she always wanted to go to the moon, and now she learnt there is a profession with exploriation of entire GALAXY!

Advent: Next we have The Secutors - Secutors are masters of man and machine. They wield the often rare trait of charisma, with their inspiting leadership they are able to multiply the efficency of Skitarii tenfold.

This has perked the interest of Maine, as he IS the boss of the party, but also had him a bit puzzled.

Maine: /Curious/ Wait a moment, what are the Skitarii?

Advent: Skitarii are the foot soldiers of the Adeptus Mechanicus, when the adepts each can be considered a bit more specialized.

All: Ohhh!

Advent: /Fondly/ Next on the list are Tech-Auxilum - An often overlooked discipline, the Tech-Auxilium takes on tasks that other Tech-Priests avoid. They are the oil within an engine, they keep the great mechanicus cog running as smoothly as they can. I can do this as well, but they are definitive masters in that.

Pilar was now listening intently as it greatly peaked the curiosity of the Techie.

Advent: Next we meet the Lexmechanic - Rigorous cataloguers, Lexmechanics compile, analyse and run data entry tasks. They are capable of finding valuable data among indecipherable texts, maps, or other obscure forms such as enemy weakness' during battle.

This class interested both netrunners of the group, as it could be compared to their work, but then they shiver - Kiwi especially - just how talented these beings might be...

Advent: Next are the most battle oriented ones, the Dominus - A Dominus is heavily trained in the art of war, using their skills to monitor and calculate highly complex battle maneuvers in the blink of an eye. They are often also armed with most advenced and powerful weaponry the Mechanicus can possess.

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