Embracing the family...

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The next three days promised to other inhabitants of the complex went by rather smoothly for the crew, with them being informed by Maine, to meet at the Martinez house at the fourth day...

Gloria: /Slowly getting impatient form waiting for the crew and wondering just what plans Advent has cooked up for the ENTIRE living complex excluding few last floors/ Advent? Did you precise at which hour we should meet?

Advent then comes out from the kitchenette with cooled bag of "Synth Snack" - while he cannot really feel the taste, he can still feel the pleasant chill running trough his body...

Advent: /Pleasant sensation coursing trought him/ Correct Gloria, they should arrive at 10 AM standard time. Although speaking of time, has young David awoke yet?

This question came with a bit of concern in the EnginSeer's voice, as yesterday the crew has gathered to officially celebrate the successful recovery of Sasha, who wished to rejoin the crew's shenanigans as soon as she was cleared by BOTH Advent and Vik. While neither of the "Medical Personnel" approved of this event - especially her participation in drinking - they were swayed by Gloria who decided to let the "Reborn" girl enjoy her second life a bit.

This led to a party in the front of "Turbo" club with several other cars providing additional music.

While the entiriety of the crew went "Clubbing" - Advent decided to stay behind, much to their complaining, explaining that not only his appearance would arouse terror and suspicion, but that he also had something to work on in digital space, which again they tried to refute...


Lucy: /Curious alongside others/ Wait - Why can't you come? Aren't you like leagues before anyone in this city?

This prompted an amused chuckle from the Techpriest gernering even greater curiosity from the group.

Advent: /Informing and semi-proud/ That would be true, but as we speak, I will attempt to create an exploatory program allowing me to pass the wall undetected by not only the amateurs from the Netwatch, but more importantly - in the design - completely unseen by the VILE ABERRATIONS residing the space beyound the wall.

This earned him several seconds of silence from the group as well as shocked looks...

Kiwi: /Disbelieving/ Wait a moment! Do you mean THE WALL - as in fucking Black Wall?

Advent: /Not seeing anything wrong with it/ That would be correct young Kiwi!

Sasha: /Unsure but worried/ Erm... Advent - if I can call you like that? (Advent: /Cheerful/ Of course you can young Sasha!) I heard that you are like near damn god in the net from the others, but going behind the wall is THE MOST literal way of suicide for netrunners, both in life and possibly the soul... There are rogue AI's all over there!

This exclamation woke the rest of the group from their shock and made them voice their concerns...

Gloria: /Horrified/ DID YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?!

 David: /Horrified/ WOW! WOW! WOW! THAT'S A NO GO ZONE!!!  

Pilar: /Nervous/ Heh... And here I was thinking I was the joker of the group- /Horrified/ DID YOU OVERHEAT YOUR PROCESOR?! THAT IS A NO GO ZONE?!


Dorio: /Terrified but commanding/ YOU ARE NOT GOING THERE IN ANY FORM! NET OR NOT! HELP ME HERE MAine...?

This got the rest of the group to take a look at the man in question, only to see him standing there silently with his arms over his chest...

Gloria: /Worried/ Maine, are you alright?

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