Workshop work and proper sleepover...

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Within the depths of the once to be parking lot's storage - the EnginSeer toiled away at destroying all the walls separating the smaller storage spaces, in order to provide enough space for the workshop...

The workshop itself would later on take the place of the smaller lockers, and be connected straight into the main parking area for the ease of access, should Advent be able to carve out place for for the sufficiently large doors, or shutters, with...

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The workshop itself would later on take the place of the smaller lockers, and be connected straight into the main parking area for the ease of access, should Advent be able to carve out place for for the sufficiently large doors, or shutters, without compromising the building's structural integrity. 

After all, it was the basement that held up the weight of the entirie building over it...

The demolition of all the adjacent storage rooms was an arduous process without any proper tools, or plans of the building, forcing the EnginSeer to manually confirm that all the walls that he was busy getting rid of weren't of any particular impo...

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The demolition of all the adjacent storage rooms was an arduous process without any proper tools, or plans of the building, forcing the EnginSeer to manually confirm that all the walls that he was busy getting rid of weren't of any particular importance...

Should he not, he risked killing everyone within the complex, including himself...

Advent: /Annoyed mutter/ For fraks sake... Who designed this frakking building? It's not even properly reinforced... And why is this one so... dusty? Wait... Is part of that frakking wall peeling off? Have I reached the underhive?! (#TOFUDREGINTHEFUTURE)

As he continued to "Hack away" at one of the walls using his power axe as if oversized scalpel, he was contacted by David from the flat, that currently housed what could be called a sleepover with several other guests arriving, such as Misty and Jackie's friend - so called "V"...

She came around not too long ago, and was actually having as much of a blast as did the other girls, with the one to introduce her being Misty, who assured the rest that V was "One of them"...

One quick search in regards to this "V's" identity and what Advent managed to find is that someone has tried hiding the woman's identity in a way of deleting her previous history...


For now though, he had to return to reality in order to answer the incoming call...

Advent: /Curious, a bit worried/ Hello, young David, is there anything that I can assist you with?

David's response was a quick one, weirdly enough, Advent would swear that he heard someone comment in regards to young David being a "Butt-boy" in the background...

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