Uncovering the Underground...

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The drive to the underground level was uneventful, as the male part of the group descended into the depths of the living complex via auxiliary elevators...

The reason for this? The ladies of the group decided that there was far more important developement, which required all female hands on board and involved the resident Neko-runner and group outing...

Advent has still found this rather strange, but decided to continue with the development plans as now came the time to properly scout out the future base of operations.

The calm silence was broken by the elevator hitting the bottom level, the floor -1.

The entire level was filled with darkness, which prompted a snarky comment from the techie of the gang.

Pilar: /Snarky/ Heh, seems that whoever left last decided to actually turn the lights off! How kind of them.

This prompted a small chuckle from the muscle and de facto leader of the group, who decided to throw his own opinion into the mix.

Maine: /Mirthful/ Heheh... Who the fuck would've thought that anyone ever obeyed any rules in this city anymore?

The Techpriest decided to end this little giggle session before it grew in volume by giving out orders or should we say, tasks for the group.

Advent: /Nonchalant/ As amusing as this disscussion is, it is the time to work - find the reason for the blackout and we shall rectify the issue.

The response from his temporary "Cohort" was a round of confirmations, even if only half-hearted ones...

David: /Confirming/ You got it!

Maine: /Mirthful?/ Sure thing "Boss".

Pilar: /Cheeky/ Anyone finds it first, fixes it first!

With that the group has taken off to find the issue with the lights...


As David decided to go with Maine and follow the wall going alongside the outer parking road, Pilar went with Advent, checking the wall behind the VIP parking spaces

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As David decided to go with Maine and follow the wall going alongside the outer parking road, Pilar went with Advent, checking the wall behind the VIP parking spaces...

Pilar: /Curious/ So, any ideas why the lights are out? Switched off panel, or something more?

This made the TechPriest unintentionally shine the glaring eye ports directly into his face as Advent turned to regard him with his answer.

Pilar: /Squinting/ YOUCH! Careful where you shine this damn face of yours!

Advent: /Somewhat sheepish/ I apologize, I have just been thinking over several things as of late...

This has caugh the curiosity of the long armed punk.

Pilar: /Curious and worried/ Anything serious?

Advent: /Calming/ Not really - it's mostly about the reasoning of our female compatriots for staying upstairs, rather than assisting us in our endeavour...

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