The Digital War...

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Entering the deep dive into the device was a dangerous decision, but Advent had to admit, the curiosities that could be discovered here could greatly aid the group of misfits that he came around to calling a "Family"...

Advent: /Semi distressed/ By the Omnissiah! Am I becoming a full fledged "Hive Ganger"???

Yet his sporadic train of thought was cut short by his internal cogitators presenting him with the details of his entry into the possible danger of AI infested digital realm...

Internal Cogitators (I.G.): ::Warning! Thy are entering a deep integration with Abominable Intelligence infested digital space! Show caution and scorn in all things.::

As unusual as it was, the warning of the Internal Cogitator's within him brough him comfort - as the lessons provided by the previous Techpriests flashed trough his mind...

M40 - Segmentum Obscurus - Calix Sector - Subsector Golgenna Reach - Hazeroth Abyss

Revabis: /Teaching/ ...and remember dear adepts! As you are soon to graduate and leave this schola you must always be ready to fight the enemies of the Omnissiah! Be you an EnginSeer or Dominus! Your duty is to be the bulwark against both the Heretec and the Abominable Intelligence, as they wish to corrupt all the holy data and the technology they touch! Protect the shield of the mind, and the body will be shielded thereby.

and remember dear adepts! As you are soon to graduate and leave this schola you must always be ready to fight the enemies of the Omnissiah! Be you an EnginSeer or Dominus! Your duty is to be the bulwark against both the Heretec and the Abominable ...

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This zealous call coming from the usually stoic and collected data smith brought newly found fire of faith and confidence into his students. All of them chanting the litanies of the Sacred Cog. After this short and pleasant moment, the data smith saw something that he became curious about - his favourite student asking for something, which was rather unusual...

Revabis: /Curious, pointing towards Advent/ Yes? What is it young Advent?

The rest of adepts, all kinds of paths, turned curious to the usually silent element of the group, as the EnginSeer, while curious, was rather reserved and silend individual who usually gathered all his data from either the fieldwork, digital libraries, or holy scripts...

Advent: /Curious and unsure/ Teacher - how are we to counter the foulness of the enemy should we enter their domain?

This question would have received several raised brows, which in case of several students was harder to do than you would think...

Revabis: /Interested yet stumped/ What do you mean exactly as the enemies domain? As an infected engine needing to be relieved of their taint?

Advent: /Confirmatory/ Correct. /Analytic/ As we have mentioned it several times during our study here, and even practiced as well on several wirtual spaces, we will sometimes be required to enter deep dive into the inner workings of the tech we will be working on in order to do proper long term maintenance of both the machine spirits and it's internal components within the code itself. My question comes to mind, what are we to do when we encounter the digital space, which is either of xeno or heretec origin, or has been overtaken by the Abominable Intelligence for a long time?

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