Just another night- oh! Rising from the grave...

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Maine: /Stunned whisper/ S-Sasha????

Vik's clinic suddenly became quiet as a grave, as the crew of edgerunners were presented with their comrade who was previously thought deceased...

 Then all came back to motion as the medical gurney was almost swarmed by the emotional crew, only to be stopped by the shaft of the power axe.

Maine, Dorio, Rebecca, and Gloria are looking at Advent in stunned silence at being denied the much needed reunion with their Neko-themed friend, that is until the Techpriest wakes them from their stupor

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Maine, Dorio, Rebecca, and Gloria are looking at Advent in stunned silence at being denied the much needed reunion with their Neko-themed friend, that is until the Techpriest wakes them from their stupor...

Advent: /Calm, Commanding/ While I adore seing families and friends reuniting - I would like to protest against damaging the patient, as while they are stable, they are nowhere yet "Healed".

This made everyone look at him stunned...

Maine: /Stunned/ Healed??? I saw her DIE myself!

Advent: /Curious/ How DEAD was she exactly? /Scolding/ Did you forget you went against a corpo?

Maine: /Incredulous/ And what of it?! She was so damaged no ripper-doc would save her!

Advent: /Explanatory/ And yet I was able to find her in the nursing ward in the middle of the Militech's headquarters-

Maine: /Stumped/ Wait! MILITECH?! We raided Biotechnica! AND-

Advent: /Annoyed/ And she went against the Militech produced, military grade drones defending the location, did she not?

This stumped everyone, but also raised a few questions...

Gloria: /Curious/ Aside the fact that she's actually alive, which is a miracle in itself, how did you get her back?

Advent: /Snarky/ From the Militech's tower of course!

Then, excited Rebecca suddenly jumped in front of him, bombarding him with dozens of questions in rapid succession, but she quickly was silenced, when Dorio has lifted the gun gremlin by the back of her coat.

Dorio: /Scolding/ BECCA! While all of us ARE curious, do ask one thing at a time!

Rebecca: /Annoyed/ FINE! /Curious and Excited/ How did you get inside?! Did you shot the place up? Did you?! DID YOU?!

This was also a question shared with the rest of the gang as well, not to mention both Viktor and Misty who were also there as this commotion was taking place.

Advent: /Explanatory yet hiddenly amused/ Do you know that almost all of Militech's personnel use eye implants?

Rebecca: /Curious yet annoyed at being denied answer to her question/ So what? Most of corpos do.

Advent: /Amused/ If you recall, netrunners can take over implants, or at least influence them?

Kiwi: /Mildly curious/ Can confirm that.

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