Repercussions and New Developments

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We return to the flat after our dear family has painfully split apart, leading to the Techpriest leaving the Martinez household, and heading off God knows where...

Gloria's *POV*: /Depressed/ Deus mio... It's been a whole day, and David is yet to leave his room... I know that he is angry, but to this level? But I did screw up badly... I am so sorry niño! Please come back to me!

She then attempts, once again, to get David out of his room.

Gloria: /Calling/ David baby! Please get out of your room! I even made your favourite food... /Sad, desparate and pleading/ PLEASE! Come back to me! I AM SO SORRY!!!

She then proceeded to cry under the door, not knowing that David's room was stocked with different fast foods and drinks to last him an entire week.

She then proceeded to cry under the door, not knowing that David's room was stocked with different fast foods and drinks to last him an entire week

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David's *POV*: /Sad and somewhat angry/ How could she do that? After all that Advent has done for us? Probably saving our lives on the road we have first met? Helping me install Sandy, and protecting me from both the Doc and Maelstorm? Having trust in me when they came the second time? Introducing me to the crew and helping me with first impressions? I know that she was angry that I left this corpo nightmare, but that is who I WANT to be... Not another cog in Arasaka's machine, but something more... It was almost, as if I had a dad for a while...

He then also proceeded to continue ignoring his heartbroken mother and let a tear slide down his face...

Unbeknownst to them, said Techpriest has been walking all over the city whilist it rained, yet noone dared to interact with him, but that may be because of his height, power-axe and also his augumented body.

Advent's *POV*: /Sad and remembering/ It has always been like this... Yet, even when I remember my vows to the Machine Cult, to the Mechanicus and to the Omnissiah himself... It always hurts... When I entered the ranks of the priesthood, I already knew that I will leave my previous, organic live aside, and yet I was still foolish enough to believe that I have a chance for happiness in this new world...

While he brooded, he walked over to where his downfall in relations with Martinez family began, the Central Plaza...

While he brooded, he walked over to where his downfall in relations with Martinez family began, the Central Plaza

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