Plans for the (near) future...

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Yesterday was a harrowing day for the entiriety of the crew...

Pulling off one, if not THE biggest gig as of yet, all the while being assisted by their futuristic companion, who has been presumed M.A.A. (Missing After Argument) for over a week, seeing him trash a whole department worth of NCPD, most of Valentino's in the region along with embarrassing the MaxTac in a way never seen before, and then him reuniting them with the member of their "Family" considered K.I.A. AND THEN meeting ANOTHER member of Martinez's family, who in turn considered each other as K.I.A...


It has been a bit of tiring day for everyone...

Currently we are in the Martinez's family apartment, where both Gloria and David are sleeping as if they were dead, while Advent is waking from his five hour long slumber...

Advent's internal *POV*: Internal Chronometer: 5 hour mark reached... : administering electric jolt to the spinal cord... : stand by...

Suddenly the Techpriest jumps up from his stitting position with great strugle in order to withhold entire litany of curses that were about to leave his vocoder, and making sure to not make too much noise with his metallic body...

Advent: /Silent cursing/ Circuit preserve- Emperor's Balls- grox damned...

Then he realizes that other occupants are still asleep in their beds...

Advent: /Huge sweatdrop *HOW? CAUSE F**K YOU*/ It was a bit close... Well then... /Sigh/ What time is it? 9:42? /Shocked/ By the Omnissiah... I haven't slept this long since my augumentation... /Resolute/ Scratch that! I have more important things to do today...

You see - in stark contrast to the rest of the crew, who chose to take a FEW days off the work at the very least, our dear EnginSeer has plans - big plans...

But all plans must start small first...

Advent: /Calculating, while going outside to the vending machine/ ...alright... I neet to set up a workshop by yesterday... preferably close to the flat should anything happen...

Unknown to anyone else, Advent has been preparing to set up his workshop for a while now. His medical, and chemical supplies were running low, and he had to prepare himself for a LONG campaign to bring this age of earth into the rightful capital of human kind!

Advent: /Screening the walls with see trough setting of his eye scanners/ It seems that many of flats within this building are empty of any tenants, but what could be it's cause? I will have to take a look into it after the breakfast...

Advent arrives in front of the vending machine and requested another dose of "SynthSnack" (In case you have forgotten, Advent DOESN'T HAVE A MOUTH) for his daily fill. After loading on this synthetic biomass for his biological parts, he has begun his walk around the living complex.

Advent: /Looking trough walls for sigths of live/ Let's see door #1... (Opens to reveal a flat stripped of anything not nailed to the floor, and even some of these elements were missing) Huh... It would seem that I will be able to take this location without any real struggle... Let's see the competition... 

The doors from 2-6 were mostly either trashed apartments and another emptied location.

(Walks over to the next door, only to detect strong concentration of putrescine and cadaverine in the air) Hmm... it seems that it was a good thing I have decided to do this on my own... (Coming close to the doors) Locked with rather advanced code... at least for this time's definition... (Cracks open the code) Let's see what's behing the doors #7...

 (Cracks open the code) Let's see what's behing the doors #7

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