Odd-gig 1: Prison Break - Part 1

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Rebecca could easily say that her current situation sucked major balls - especially considering just how much fun she's been having with the ladies before it all went sideways...

Currently she and other night goers were proudly wearing those cringe looking orange prison uniform with several "Cerberus pattern "Cyberware Captivity Disablers"" - as the ever proud looking corpo-cuck has stated - or better yet! Let's call them "Bracelets"! Yeah - the bracelets, which were connected to a collar on their nects via remote signal, that if not responding to their assigned devices, would send around ~50000 volts of electricity straight to your spine via this shitty needle exteding from it and into your back...

Yeah - cause fuck whatever compassion or human decency would be, huh?

At the moment, and probably for the rest of her able-to-remember life, she was sitting in her cell, next to other gals from the group, placed between depressed looking Lucy and  fucking human-turned-nugget Dorio, who was also suspended from the celling via straps because as the corpo has said: "She's too dangerous to rely only on the collars - take off her limb implants"...

Those were natural limbs... Her pride and her prize... And these corpo fucks have tore them off like Cheap Chrome...

She wished she could murder them all SLOWLY...

But right now?

She wasn't sure that she could do anything...

The worst part in all of that is that's all her fault...

If she only held her temper better, no one would be fucking mutilated...

She could hear sobbing coming from in front of her - poor Sasha sat against the wall of her cell crying her eyes out...

Fuck, what a thing to come back from the death to, huh?

Come back only to get the first degree taste of police brutality and then wait to be processed like a cheap piece of meat into either the said meat, or be made into a Joytoy for some disgusting rich fuck...

She was then ripped out from her self deprecating thoughts by the sound of her cell's doors being knocked on by the guard - something not unusual - as those corpo sellouts loved to gloat over the female prisoners and doing other things to them as well...

Oh - the corpo-cuck was still yammering on?

Guard: ...-ctive here wished to re-interrogate you inmate- Are you even listening you fucking Worm?!

Her only response was to spit on his shoes.

The guard then charged at her with a shock baton active...

Rebecca has only closed her eyes and braced for the oncoming pain...

She couldn't find any strength to give a fuck about anything anymore...

Rebecca: /Tired, tear sliding down her eye/ Sorry bro - I just can't go on anymore...

As she flinched at the mere sound of a meaty *TWACK*, she was rather confused to not feel any pain, from either the collar, baton's taser or the very baton itself...

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