Crossing paths...

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Should you ask Advent how his day was going, his answer would most surely be - exhausting ...

Do NOT get him wrong! His body stood mighty for long shifts back on the forge world, sometimes with little sleep for weeks, if only to relieve his organic side...

Yet today was becoming somewhat tiring for the Techpriest...

Especially if you count in all of the recently experienced emotions...

Annoyance - at all the troubles of "Retrieving" miss Yakovleva and trying to find reliable and properly trained ripper-doc...

Anxiousness - at the time of preparations for the "GIG" and making sure to cover all corners...

Honest to Omnissiah FEAR - at seeing Gloria being taken at a gunpoint by that idiotic thug...

Joy - at earning and confirming back his place in Martinez family as a proud "Grandpa"...

Smugness - at the looks of awe from the crew when his traps around the dinner were triggered...

Excitement - at the "unforeseen" reunion of the old gang/family...

And now... it would be... ANGER...

With the reunion going SOMEWHAT fine, the gun-goblin deciding to raise a DAMN RIOT, and NOW THIS GROX-SHIT-SMEARED-WANNA-BE-GUNSLINGER IS DISRUPTING IT!!!

With his mind made, the angered EnginSeer was about to unsleash some fine Mechanicus styled justice, by providing the "Class" a live session of proper ritual, which provided the greater Imperium with endless supply of Servitors from the criminal underworld...

Not even bothering to check on a shocked gasp from behind him...

*???'s POV*

???'s *POV*: /Tired/ Man what a day! All these small jobs are getting tiring, even if I am doing them with Jaina...

Then I remember that it's time to meet up with mi amor...

Deciding to suprise her, I decide agains calling her, and giving her a "Suprise" visit, even though it was already set up a day ago...

???: /Gentle breath/ Mi amor... /Giddy, while coming closer to the esoterica/ I am about to meet with you again!

*???'s POV Ends*

Suddenly the person is torn away from his happy thoughts with a bloodcurdling scream is heard from the inside...

???: /Loud and worried/ Misty?!

Then they charge into the esoterica, only to find it empty, which meant that the scream came from the lower level...

???'s *POV*: /Worried sick/ Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! BE OKAY MISTY!!!

The doors to the ripper-doc's clinic are almost ripped from their hinges, as lovestruck and worried sick gunslinger kicks them in using all of his leg implants power...

Only to see their girlfriend with arms wrapped around some punk, looking terrified out of her mind at something...

???'s *POV*: /Confused and getting pumped up for the fight/ What the...?

He needs to get answers upon seeing the sheer madness of the SCENE happening within the room...

???: /Loud and commanding/ WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE?!

This seemed to shake everyone in the room out of the spell, as they were now looking at him...

Including the big ass borg within said room...

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