Odd-gig 1: Prison Break - Part 2 - HERETICAL CHOICES (1)

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David: /Stumped, in shock/ Hey... A'? I think that I've fucked up...

Advent already saw that via the security camera, but he could not bring himself to interfere...

How could he?

He saw the state of the girls...

What has been done to Dorio...

They were criminals, but this?

This wasn't justice...

This was something that the wretched dark eldar acolytes would partake in...

This was HERESY...

And heresy MUST BE PUNISHED...

As the Techpriest's raging mind struggled to reign in his fury for the sake of the mission, he has came to the chilling realisation that...

It would not be needed...

This RAGE... This HATRED...

It was what was actually required for this to work...

Advent: /Softly, crooning almost/ Young David - you did NOTHING wrong... /Growing steely/ In fact... I believe that you have provided me with the proper MOTIVATION to properly PUNISH the one's responsible for the torment of our dearest...

Before the young Martinez had even a chance to respond, Advent has switched the transmission towards Julio who has just planted the first explosive behind a trash bin on the eleventh floor...

Advent: /Steely, professional/ Young Julio?

His response was a startled yelp from said young man...

Julio: /Worried, hushed/ Hey! What happened to the codenames?

Advent: /Steely, professional/ The plan has changed, where currently are you located?

Julio: /Worried that something went very wrong/ I'm currently in the elevator and going towards the twentieth floor to get the coffe to the twentieth floor's crew...

Advent: /Steely/ Affirmative, the new directives are that you skip planting the explosive on the twentieth floor and skip straight towards the bottom floors - time has become of essence!

Julio: /Shocked/ Wait what! Wasn't that one of the main objectives?!

Advent: /Steely/ Correct, but I'll take care of it from here - you have gained one of the most important jobs in our plan - go to the commissioner's office...

Julio: /Stumped/ Ok?.. And how will you do that? And what I'm to do if he's still inside?

Advent: /Calmer, turning sininster/ Worry not young Julio... I have something in mind to sort both of these problems... /Calmer, gentle/ Please do let me know when you will arrive - I do not wish for you to come under the crossfire...

Julio: /Confused and worried/ Crossfire? What crossfire?! Hey - big man!

Advent: /Calm/ Do not worry - others will also be alright, but please - do not act when you will hear screaming...

With that ominous message delivered, Advent disconnects his chat with Julio and goes back to the rest of the crew in order to warn them of the inpending clusterfuck in the making...

Advent: /Announcing to the heisters/ Gentlemen - I understand your distress over young David's actions, but it's not an issue, it may have even been a blessing in disguise.

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