Your choice

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"So what happened on that job the other day?" Flo asked watching Grace look through her kit bag

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"So what happened on that job the other day?" Flo asked watching Grace look through her kit bag. She had just gone to grab more supplies for it too.

"What do you mean?" Grace asked looking up at the woman.

"I mean, you were a lot longer than you said it would have taken you. Also, you have scratches," Flo narrowed her eyes. "You never have scratches." Grace laughed a little adjusting her belt.

"Yeah, well this one was a little rougher than before," Grace said moving around the boat.

"How so?" Flo asked following after her. They were tied to the dock since it was midday still. Grace got onto the dock and faced Flo.

"There was another group on the mission there as well. They had the type one, while I had the type two," Grace explained. Flo paused pursing her lips.

Oh for god's sake. She's trying to read into this.

"Fittes?" She asked. Grace shook her head.

"Some smaller independent organization," Grace rambled moving down the dock.

"A boy perhaps?" Flo asked following after the girl. Grace stopped giving Flo a long sigh.

"Two actually and they were in the way," Grace explained. "Stop trying to look into this." Flo smiled at her as she shoved her lightly.

"Did you get their names?" She asked.

"Yes," Grace walked forward trying to escape the conversation.

"Is it by chance Lockwood?" Flo asked. Grace paused.

How did she know that? I didn't tell her and she wouldn't dare follow me?

Grace turned to face her giving Flo an unsure look.

"How do you know that?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Flo mocked the girl.

"I am an all-knowing little one," She laughed. Grace rolled her eyes turning to go up the stairs. "He asked you to join didn't he?"

"Yes Flo, he asked me to join," Grace stopped suddenly almost making Flo topple over her. "I said no of course. He asked for my name I gave it and now they know who I am. They know about my past so stop trying to dig into it because nothing is going to come from that. I do not work with people anymore." Flo placed her hands on the girl's shoulders giving her a small smile.

"I wasn't going to tell you to work together with him. I just wanted to know what he has been up to. I haven't seen that kid in a while. I assumed you both would have gotten along just fine. Ya know, similar personalities and whateva," Flo kissed Grace's forehead.

"He is nicer than I am," Grace laughed a bit. Flo linked arms with her as they walked the backstreets trying to avoid being out in direct public.

"Well, that is true, but I like you more, love."

To All Those I've Lost BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now