Fittes Ball

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Lucy and Grace walked out of the house arm in arm

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Lucy and Grace walked out of the house arm in arm. Lockwood opened the cab door as he tucked the map back into his pocket. Lucy looked inside.

"Oh, where's George?" She asked.

"He's working. He'll join us later," Lockwood explained. Lucy looked over to Grace giving her a wordless look.

"You'll be fine, I would never make you a third wheel," Grace mumbled to her as they got into the cab.

"What was that?" Lockwood asked closing the door.

"Nothing, let's just get going," Grace placed her hands on her knees. She hasn't worn a dress since she was young. It was just before her parents died. It was her birthday and her mother made her wear a dress. "Sit with your legs together, it's proper for ladies." Her mother would always scold her.

The three arrived at Fittes and followed the flow of people. They were slightly behind, but that didn't both Lockwood. Grace didn't want to be here, but there wasn't anything she should be scared of. It was a very crowded party after all.

"Oh thank god," Grace muttered as she ran down the last few steps trapping champagne off a man's tray. A few people were noticing Grace, but they didn't make it too obvious. Lockwood gently grasped her hand pulling her to a stop as she tried to walk through the crowd.

"We should probably do some mingling first, yeah?" He smirked at Grace. He knew she hated talking to people. Especially Fittes related. "Make it look like we actually came to party."

"Great. Two of my favourite things. Posh people and small talk," Lucy grumbled sipping from her glass.

"You will have better luck than me, I just act like I'm mute most of the time and they walk away disturbed," Grace smiled as she scanned the crowd of people.

"Jesus Christ! Are those things sources?" Lucy asked. Lockwood and Grace turned to realize she was staring at the two columns holding Fittes' two proudest sources.

"Ah, the famous relic columns," Lockwood explained. "Penelpes never let danger or good taste get in the way of her showing off her family's famous legacy."

"Speak of the devil," Grace muttered watching Penelope Fittes appear at the railing. All the snobby rich people clinging to her side.

"Oh god, I think she saw me," Lucy ducked her head.

"Probably Lucy, you were invited," Grace laughed at her shyness. Lockwood raised his hand and waved up to her proudly. Lucy grabbed his arm yanking it down.

"What are you doing?" She hissed.

"What?" Lockwood laughed at the reaction. "She's just a normal person. She's no more special than us three."

"We sleep in a loft," Grace reminded. He let out a sigh.

"Well, no more special than me." Grace just rolled her eyes at him. Lockwood noticed and wrapped his arm around her waist not letting her stray far from him. Lucy saw a waiter with food on his tray so she took two.

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