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"Oh god," George muttered

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"Oh god," George muttered.

"If it's bad news don't say it out loud," Grace breathed looking down the long hallway.

"Temperature just got lower. This means that the red room isn't even the original haunting. It's just a secondary. There's something else out there," George added. The boys stepped forward hovering behind Lucy and Grace.

"I can feel it," Grace muttered. It was like a cold sensation that made her joints stiff and her lungs burn. She has never felt anything like this before. Ever. Lockwood stepped out first guiding the group. They walked down the hallway seeing another hall this one was covered in spiderwebs. Grace grimaced already imagining spiders crawling on her.

"What if there's no way out?" Lucy asked gripping Grace's hand tighter. She gave her a reassuring squeeze in response. Grace thought the girl was going to break her fingers.

"Well, then we're dead," George sighed. Grace glared at him. "I'm only telling the truth." He shrugged. Lockwood used his rapier to clear out some of the webs in the middle of the hallway. Grace stayed close behind him. She had learned that since he is taller if she stays behind him, she doesn't get touched by the webs.

"Why do spiders love ghosts so much?" Lucy grimaced pushing a webbed branch out of her face.

"Who cares? They're excellent warnings," Lockwood held a branch full of webs to the side allowing Grace to walk ahead of him. She shined her light down the hall seeing a figure. She switched it off.

"Point made," She breathed. The others stopped behind her as they watched the figure.

"Oh, shit," Lucy muttered.

"Sam Pandey," George explained. They watched as the figure turned and disappeared before moving down the stairs. "Probably wanted to warn us not to go down there." Lockwood glanced at Grace. She was focused on trying to find the main source. "And now we're going down there." He switched his light back on walking further down the hall. They stopped at the top of the stairs.

"There's something waiting," Lucy breathed.

"You feel that too?" Grace shivered. She couldn't get over the frigid air trying to consume her.

"This couldn't be the actual screaming staircase could it?" Lucy shined her light down trying to see as far as she could.

"Maybe, Fairfax certainly loves a surprise. No wonder he did so well in show business," George explained. Grace took a deep breath moving onto the staircase first.

"Let's go," She breathed. Grace doesn't ever admit when she is scared and right now she was nearly petrified. Grace came around the corner touching the banister slightly. She glanced at Lucy who was making a similar expression.

"Wait a minute. George, Grace, Lucy. Hold on. I think I might have figured out—" The voices were getting so loud even Grace could hear them.

"This is it, this is the staircase," Lucy warned.

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