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"What happened to her?" Yunlan mumbles and their professor enter the class. Everyone get busy with their class

"How Wei is doing? Those guys were scaring him again?" Yunlan was spacing out in Wei's thoughts

"Yunlan?..... Yunlan?" Professor notice him

"Yes professor?" He abruptly stand

"Are you ok?" Professor walk towards him

"That I......" Yunlan think about Wei

"May I leave? I am not feeling well" He make excuse to go and see Wei

"Yes you go and eat something" Professor let him go but Hong again sulks knowing Yunlan well

"Bastard" She curse Yunlan under her teeth

Yunlan runs to see his little cousin but he was not in class "Where is Shen Wei?" He ask one girl

"Today professor dismiss the class and Wei left 10 minutes ago" That girl said

"Ok thank you" Yunlan

"Obviously that boy is real angel "
"What a beauty"
"I still don't believe how a boy is this beautiful?"
"You look at his skin? Very glowing and flawlessly white"
"I want to touch his skin"

The group of students were talking about someone and Yunlan knows they are talking about his little innocent cousin

Yunlan fold fists and become angry at them but he don't have time to fight. He wants to see Shen Wei first

He runs from there and see Wei arguing with some boys in the ground. They seem bigger in size compared to Wei

"What is your problem? Give my notes back" Shen Wei try to snatch the papers bavk

"Ohhh cutie is angry?" One boy laughed and put the papers high in the air

"Who is this bastard?" That boy shout because Yunlan snatch papers from him from back

"This bastard is here to break your bones"

Yunlan come at front and wrap Wei's shoulders giving them clear threat that they are messing with wrong person

"Ge these are boys. They ate bad" Wei smiles and hugs Yunlan's chest

Yunlan slap those boys who was scaring Wei "If I see you around him one more time I kill you"

Yunlan shout and press Wei on his chest carefully. They get scared and run from there. Wei giggles and suddenly kissed Yunlan's cheeks. Yunlan chuckles and kissed his hair back

Shen Wei's tummy growl and Yunlan broke the hug

"I heard your tummy is shouting" Yunlan

"It is saying it is empty" Wei hold his hand

"It is saying it is empty" Wei hold his hand

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