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In the early morning, Shen Wei turned side and pushed Yunlan in his sleep. Poor husband fell down from the bed and holds his butt


He stands holding his butt and pout looking at his sleeping little wife.

He was sleeping on the whole bed like a king on his throne. Yunlan gently caresses his hairs with a smile and pushed him back very lightly.

He laid beside Shen Wei again and laughs looking at the ceiling. Shen Wei again put his hand on Yunlan's belly and he again pushed him with his legs but this time Yunlan wraps him in his arms and kissed his forehead.

"Bad sleeping style, my innocent wifey"

He commented then fell asleep. After an hour everyone was sitting for breakfast but all the family was looking at Yunlan weirdly.

Yunlan looks at everyone

"You didn't sleep the whole night?"

Yunlan's uncle Zhuling ask him and Shen Wei also look at his husband.

"Yes ge what happened to you?" Shen Wei ask.
"He is looking fresh but what happend to you?" Yunlan pointed at Shen Wei then at Yunlan.
"What you did the whole night" Sang "Your eyes are swollen Yunlan" Yunlan's mom said.
"First of all stop calling me ge" Yunlan suddenly shout looking at Shen Wei.

"He was just concerned about what baby calls him" Mr. Xinci teased his son.

"Okay, okay, ge..... I mean okay, Yunlan" Shen Wei said.

Everyone start laughing at Yunlan.

"I am like this because this rabbit was dancing on bed the whole night. Sometimes he throws me on left side and sometimes on right side" Yunlan said and then he looks at Zhujiu

"How you tackle his beauty of sleeping?" Yunlan ask.
"I don't think anyone have any issue with his sleeping styles because everyone loves him" Hong was still sulking
"You are right" Lin smiles at Shen Wei.

"I sleep while tying him with myself I did not let him kick me and push me down the bed" Zhujiu said laughing.

Wang gives tea to everyone. Lin and Sang said goodbye to their parents before leaving for their university.

"Let's go, ge

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"Let's go, ge. I mean, Yunlan" Shen Wei stands.
"Where you are going? Sit down and complete this glass of milk and eat these snacks"

His mother-in-law said strictly but Shen Wei pouted.

"Mom" Shen Wei
"What mom? Sit down and finish your breakfast" She said and Shen Wei sit back.

"Yunlan he took medicines last night son?" His father ask and Yunlan stops eating and looks at his parents.

"I forget" Yunlan apologizes and his parents glare at him.

"Shen Wei, I think you are not a year-old kid. You can take your medicines by yourself. Because of you, uncle aunty are mad at Yunlan"

Hong never failed to taunt him. Shen Wei looks down and said sorry but Yunlan holds his hand.

"It's not like this Hong" Yunlan
"We are not mad at Yunlan, Hong" Mrs. Xinci said
"We are just worried about his health" Mr. Xinci said
"Okay, I was just worried too" Hong

In college, Shen Wei was sitting in class and Da gets a call.

"Oh really" Da was excited
"Yes yes we are also coming" Da said
"What happened?" Shen Wei
"Let's go to see a bike race" Da
"Where?" Shen Wei
"At the back side of University" Da told.
"I am telling Yunlan ge" Shen Wei take out his phone
"Hurry up" Da was eager.
"Yes baby?" Yunlan ask.
"We are going to see a bike race at back side of university " Shen Wei said,
"Don't go alone. I am coming," Yunlan. "Okay, we are waiting" Shen Wei cut the call.

After five minutes, Yunlan comes there with Hong.

"Jie, you are also coming" Shen Wei was happy.
"Yes," Hong said.

Da, Shen Wei, Yunlan and Hong went to see the bike race. Yunlan was holding Shen Wei's hand, they were standing in front row. Yunlan was not interested in races. He was here to protect Shen Wei and Hong was here for herself.

The most excited were Shen Wei and Da. Suddenly Hong holds her belly and fell down

"Yunlan ahhh!!!" Hong
Yunlan leaves Shen Wei's hand and turns towards her.
"Are you okay?" Yunlan asked.
"Some guy accidentally pushed me," Hong said.
"Who is that bastard?" Yunlan yelled and help her to stand.

Shen Wei sees a small kid on the racetrack and runs to save him. Seeing him running, Yunlan leaves Hong and runs behind him.

"Shen Wei!!!" Yunlan, shout and run behind him. He gets scared when he come to know and see a bike was coming towards him. Shen Wei saves the kid and both were few seconds away from getting hit by the bikes.

Yunlan holds his waist in a second and pulled him back. The kid and Shen Wei were saved by Yunlan because both were in Yunlan's arms and on his chest, but he was injured.

His arm was bleeding bcz it hit the road and he suffers many injuries as well on the same arm.

Yunlan did not care about himself and quickly checks Shen Wei if he was okay or not. The kid run away towards his parents but Yunlan was panicked and checking Shen Wei's body.

Shen Wei was standing scared and baffled. Hong comes running and hold Yunlan's arm.

"Yunlan," She was mad at Shen Wei but Yunlan shoves her back and turns towards him again.

Shen Wei was breathing heavily and his eyes fell on Yunlan's bleeding arm. Seeing this, his breath stuck in his throat and he feels unable to breathe. Many people gathered around them. Shen Wei
fell on his knees suddenly.

Yunlan also fell on his knees with him and till now, Shen Wei fell in his arms and he was struggling to breathe,

"Oh shit," Yunlan shout and he looks at Hong and Da,
"Bring his inhaler," he shout, Yunlan suddenly gives mouth-to-mouth breathing to Shen Wei until Da and Hong comes running with the inhaler.

After few minutes, Shen Wei calms down, but he was crying. Yunlan and Da gets scared again if he continue crying like this holding Yunlan's arm his condition will get worse again

"Baby listen, baby listen I'm fine it's just a scratch and I am healthy that's why blood comes like this. Relax and calm down, don't cry"

Yunlan was cupping his face. He looks at people which are mostly students and picked Shen Wei to take him away from the crowd.

"Let's go to the hospital" Hong suggests looking at his arm and Yunlan nod looking at worried Shen Wei.

Shen Wei holds his arm and wraps his handkerchief on his wound then hug Yunlan tightly.


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