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Yunlan gets up and after washing them both, he ordered food for his little wife. When the healthy meal arrives he sweetly wakes him up and kissed his forehead

"Are you okay?" Yunlan ask
"Yes, I am fine but my back...." Wei pout
"Awww it's okay. You gonna be fine after this fresh healthy meal" Yunlan ruffles his hairs

Shen Wei start looking at his face "What happen?" Yunlan ask him

"You love me?" Ask Wei
"Yes I love you" Yunlan reply
"How much?" Wei ask again
"More than my life" Yunlan replied and caresses his face with love

Wei suddenly hugs his chest and closes his eyes "What happen baby?" Yunlan start to worry

"Don't leave me Yunlan" Shen Wei said and Yunlan chuckles

"I will never" Yunlan said and wraps his wife in his arms

"If you leave me and go to anyone else, that day will be my last day and I..."

Before Shen Wei speak further Yunlan sealed their lips together into a fierce kiss and kissed the soul out of his body

"Don't speak like this again!!" Yunlan asks and hugs him "You are my life" Yunlan said again

They comes back and no one comes to know about their sex, only Zhujiu knew it and he start teasing Yunlan

"How is your friend now Yunlan?" Zhujiu
"My friend is all good now" Yunlan reply
"Is he satisfied?" Zhujiu smirk
"What satisfied?" Yunlan ask curiously
"He met his dear friend after a long wait and love. That's why I am asking is he satisfied now?" Zhujiu said

Yunlan cough and blushed very hard. Everyone else was eating and Shen Wei gives water to his husband

"What happened to you?" His mother ask worried
"Nothing happened to him aunty. He is more than fine now. Right Yunlan?" Zhujiu said with smirk

"Yeah yeah I am fine now" Yunlan wipes his mouth and the males comes to sit with them in the hall because it's family time

"You okay baby?" Zhujiu ask Shen Wei
"No, my baa...."
"Shen Wei!!!!" Yunlan shout because he was about to reveal about his back and the elders will come to know about their sex because no one is fool to not to know 😁

Zhujiu start laughing and elders asks them what's the reason.
Zhujiu control his laughing "Nothing dad, just teasing Yunlan about his friend..."

They discussed some family matters and Shen Wei suddenly remembered something

"Yunlan?" He stands excitedly
"What happened?" Yunlan looks at him as well as others

"Yesterday when I was with you I don't need inhaler and my medication. I was not feeling weak or anything. I feel good and healthy "

Yunlan and others felt happy except Hong. Mr. Shen smiles and hugs Yunlan.

The room erupted in joyful cheers and hugs as Shen Wei shared his exciting news.

Mr. Shen felt proud embracing Yunlan and Shen Wei in a tight hug "Our little Shen Wei is getting better! Thank you, Yunlan, for taking care of him!"

Zhujiu's mother gestured for Wang to sit beside her, and she lovingly patted Shen Wei's hand

"Our dear boy, we're so happy for you! You deserve all the happiness in the world"

When her mother praised Shen Wei, Hong angrily looks at her mother

Zhujiu ruffled his hair "My little brother's growing stronger every day!"

Yunlan smiled with happiness, as he held Shen Wei's hand "You're doing great, Wei. Keep it up, and we'll get through this together!"

As the family continued live this warm and tender moments, the atmosphere filled with laughter and love

Xinci looks at his younger son with a serious expression on his face "Lin, I need you to handle an important business matter in Shanghai. Your uncle will accompany you"

Lin nodded "I'll make sure to get it done, dad"

The next day, Lin and Mr. ZhuLing set off for Shanghai. As Lin was driving they suddenly crashed into a pole trying to save a pedestrian

Mr. Xinci received a call from the hospital and he heard this sad news

Xinci's expression turned grim as he realised what the other person is saying

Other gents who were present there in office exchanged worried glances, and soon, they all gathered at the hospital along with the whole family except Shen Wei who was in university

After some time, doctor comes out  "I'm so sorry, the boy passed away in the accident, and this elder man slips into comma"

The family was in shock, tears streaming down their faces. But among all this tention Yunlan's voice was shaking for losing his brother

"We need to keep this from Shen Wei. His health can't handle this news."

The family nodded in agreement, knowing Shen Wei's fragile state

They made a silent pact to keep the truth hidden, at least for now, to protect their beloved Shen Wei from further distress.

The family was in the hospital waiting room and their faces were shocked with grief.

They struggled to come to terms with the loss of Lin, and the weight of keeping it a secret from Shen Wei hung heavy on their minds.

Hong, in particular, was in a state of shock, her eyes vacant and her body trembling.

This loss hit her hard. Her mother tried to comfort her, but she just shook her head, unable to process her emotions

Cheng was also crying badly. Maybe he also realises his father is no more with him

Yunlan softly said but his voice and heart was filled with grief  "We need to stay strong for Hong, Cheng and also.... we can't let Shen Wei know about this yet"

As they left the hospital, Hong's mother embraced her tightly. "We'll get through this, together"

But Hong just whispered, "How can we bear all this mom? Lin left me and dad is in this state...."

Zhujiu was comforting Sang and Wang. Everyone was broken. Only Zhujiu and Yunlan were trying to take care of everything

In university, Shen Wei was waiting but no one came to pick him up.

He calls Yunlan but he not pick up than he calls Zhujiu and his phone was off. When no one picks his call this worries him

"Why my heart is restless?" He whispered to himself and gets worried

Thank you

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