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Everyone was so happy and they all tease Shen Wei saying now they have two babies but this irked Shen Wei and he always whined

"I am not a baby anymore!" Wei pout sitting beside his father in law
"Yes don't tease my baby, he is all big now" Xinci said and Lin laughs
"Dad... stop calling me baby now" Wei looks at everyone with same cute pout
"What to do baby. You are our baby" Sang was standing behind his mother

Lin chuckles and holds his son in his lap. Hong goes to make tea for everyone and Yunlan comes there

"What is happening here?" Yunlan ask
"Ask them to stop calling me baby. I am all big now" Shen Wei hopefully looks at his husband

"Yeah sure, baby!" Yunlan replies and they all laugh
"Fine!!" Wei cross arms and sits there being annoyed
They all laughs and Yunlan told them he is joining the business because it's just few months left for the university

The family was extremely happy and Wei was also happy. Now Zhujiu and Mr. Shen comes together

"What a good pair!" Lin smiles and Zhujiu chuckles
"Yeah no doubt" Zhujiu said
"We are so busy. We are working on an international project. I hope we get succeeded" Mr. Shen said

Everyone wish them luck and Hong comes with tea with snacks. Wei notices her actions. She was still drooling over his husband

Few months passed and Yunlan joins office with his father. Early in the morning, Yunlan kissed sleeping Wei's forehead and wakes him up

"Wake up sleeping angel" He cutely said leaning at him
"Good morning Yunlan" Wei open his eyes
"I am going to office, get ready and go to university carefully" Yunlan
"You are not coming with me today?" Shen Wei
"No baby. I need to go to office from today" Yunlan
"I am going alone?" Shen Wei
"Yeah from now on" Yunlan
"Ok you go. I am coming after getting ready" Shen Wei said

Yunlan guesses Shen Wei's sadness and he smiles. Wei was about to get up but Yunlan pulled him back. He fell over his husband and Yunlan flips him under him

"You know I love you" Yunlan said
"Yes I know. I love you too, Yunlan" Wei replied
"Kiss?" Yunlan
"Yes" Shen Wei

Yunlan leans and kissed his lips. He literally eats Wei's thin lips and kissed his neck as well

Shen Wei was unaware how to kiss back or he did not get chance because Yunlan was sucking his lips inside his mouth

After breaking the kiss Yunlan lovingly looks at his wife

"Can I kiss your tummy?" Yunlan was almost lying over Wei
"No" Wei feels shy
"Please" Yunlan plead
"No Yunlan!" Shen Wei said with red face

Yunlan smiles and caresses his chest but Shen Wei stops his hands and hugs him instead

"I love you Yunlan. I really love you" Shen Wei confessed
"What love? You already love me since childhood" Yunlan said
"That was childish love but now...." Wei was wrapping his neck
"Now what?" Yunlan was still caressing his beautiful face
"Now I know the meaning of love" Shen Wei said
"Explain!" Yunlan

Shen Wei thinks for a few moments and kissed his lips making Yunlan happy and he hugs Shen Wei tightly. So tight that he almost squeeze the young boy in his arms

Yunlan kissed his face and goes out saying come fast. Shen Wei feels bad about going alone. At breakfast table everyone notices him silent

"What happen?" His father asks
"I am sad" Shen Wei sighs
"Yes we can see but what happen to my child?" His father asks again
"Papa, he is sad because he have to go alone from today" Yunlan
"Ohh just this? It's okay love. You can meet him in the noon" Mr. Shen said

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