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Shen Wei was walking down the hallway when he overheard Hong talking to her mother.

"Mom, I want to marry Yunlan," Hong said with determination.

Shen Wei's heart skipped a beat and he froze on his spot his ears burning with anxiety.

"What? Hong, that's ridiculous! Yunlan is already committed to Shen Wei," Her mother don't like her words

"But mom, I love him! And Shen Wei is so...fragile. He can't even take care of himself. Yunlan deserves someone strong, like me," Hong argued.

Shen Wei felt like he is falling down side. He couldn't breathe, and his mind was scared with coming scenarios

Yunlan's mother looks at Shen Wei and noticed his condition. She get worried for him and she quickly approached him and gently took his hand.

"My baby? What happen to you?" She make him sit on the sofa in hall

Wei told her what he heard and hugs her crying

"Shen Wei, sweetie, don't listen to Hong's nonsense. She's just confused. I won't let anything like this happen to you, okay? You're Yunlan's partner, and no one can change that," she said with warm voice

Shen Wei nodded..... He was still feeling shaky but slightly comforted by her words.

"Thanks mom... I just can't lose Yunlan..." Shen Wei said

Yunlan's mother hugged him tightly after wiping his eyes "You'll never lose Yunlan, Shen Wei. I promise you that"

The next day Hong approached Yunlan and smiles at him

"Yunlan, can we talk?" she asked
"Yes sure" Yunlan reply
"Yunlan, I know you're still grieving Lin, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. I care about you deeply, and I think we could make a great couple. Will you marry me?"

Yunlan's eyes widened in shock, and he took a step back.

"Hong, what are you talking about? I'm just being sympathetic towards you because of Lin's passing, nothing else! Don't misunderstand my kindness for something more" Yunlan scolded her

Hong's face fell, but she refused to give up. Yunlan left from there with anger

In evening Mr. Shen comes to sit with Wei and Yunlan

"Shen Wei, I know you're hurting, but I want you to know that we all are here for you, always.... And Yunlan, take care of him, okay? He needs you now more than ever" He said. His eyes filled with paternal love.

Yunlan nodded, putting a reassuring arm around Shen Wei's shoulders.

"Of course, papa. I'll always be here for our Wei."

Shen Wei moves and laid on the couch putting his face in his father's lap

Suddenly the door opens and Mr. Xinci walked into the room with a warm smile, carrying a steaming bowl of soup.

Shen Wei, lying on the couch, looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Hey, kiddo, I brought your favorite soup. It'll help you feel better," Xinci said, sitting down beside him.

Shen Wei smiles weakly, and Xinci began to feed him spoonfuls of the savory broth.

Shen Wei closed his eyes, letting the warmth spread through his chest, and savored the flavors.

Yunlan and Mr. Shen were just smiling at thw scene

As Xinci feed him, he gently stroked Shen Wei's hairs with warmth and love.

"Thanks, Dad...this is really good," Shen Wei said, and hugs his father in law

Xinci smiled and continued feeding him, his eyes filled with love and concern.

After eating Xinci let Yunlan sit with Wei and he massage his shoulders

"Thanks, Yunlan...this feels amazing," Shen Wei said very lightly

Yunlan smiled, his eyes warm with affection, and continued the massage. After about ten minutes, Zhujiu enters the room

Zhujiu walked into the room, a warm smile on his face, carrying a delicate porcelain dish.

Shen Wei, looked up at him with interest.

"Hey baby, I made your favorite dessert. almond jelly with honey and sesame seeds!" Zhujiu said, presenting it to him with a flourish.

Shen Wei's eyes lit up, and he sat up straight with excited face. Zhujiu laughed and handed him a spoon.

As Shen Wei took his first bite, his eyes widened in delight. The flavors danced on his tongue, sweet and nutty and crunchy.

Other three men laughs seeing Shen Wei finally smiling and enjoying

"Zhujiu ge, this is amazing! You're the best!" Shen Wei said
"Just don't make my baby sad ok?" Zhujiu said back

The next day, Hong approached Shen Wei with a smug expression.

"Shen Wei, I know you're still hurting, but I want you to know that I'm going to marry Yunlan. He deserves someone strong like me, not a fragile person like you," Hong said evily

Shen Wei's eyes shows anger, and he stood up

"Hong jiejie, you're lying! Yunlan will never marry you! you are bad and you just want to hurt him like you hurt Lin ge!" Shen Wei shouted his face red with rage.

Hong grit her teeth listening to his words. She knew she was crossing a line.

Just then, Yunlan enters the room and he narrowed his eyes seeing them both

"What's going on here?" Yunlan asked with little strict voice

Shen Wei took a deep breath and told his husband everything. He hugs him and Yunlan wraps his back carefully

Yunlan's expression darkened and he turned towards her

"Hong, how dare you! Shen Wei is telling the truth. I would never marry you, and I'll never let you hurt him or anyone else in this family!" Yunlan scolded with anger

Hong get shocked and she took a step back, realizing she had gone too far. She quickly left from there and Yunlan kissed Wei's lips to comfort him

Hong fumes in anger and in the night time when everyone was gathering in the main hall she comes with anger and she was also holding her son

"Yunlan, you have to marry me! If you refuse, I'll kill the baby and myself!" Hong shouted loudly

The family was in shock, and Shen Wei's eyes widened in horror.

"Hong, what are you talking about? You can't mean that!" Zhujiu said not understanding what his sister is doing

Hong pulled out a small knife from her pocket and held it to the baby's throat, her hand shaking.

"I mean every word! If Yunlan doesn't marry me, I'll make sure the baby pays the price!" Hong was looking mad

Yunlan and Shen Wei looked at eachother

Yunlan carefully approached Hong, his hands makes a calming gesture.

"Hong, please don't do this. give Cheng to me and we'll talk about this," Yunlan said gently

Sang comes from the backside and carefully grabbed her wrist, twisting it until she dropped the knife.

The family breathed a sigh of relief as Wang quickly took the baby from Hong's arms and cradled him safely.

"Are you crazy? You are killing your own child" Her brother Sang shout at her

Hong's face was filled with rage and despair.

"You'll regret this, Yunlan! I'll make sure you regret not marrying me!" Hong shrieked making her son fear and he cried more.

Wang runs inside the room with the baby and try to sooth him. Cheng also stop crying in Wang's arms and she smiles

The family stared at her in shock not knowing of what to do next.

Thank you

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