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"Here you go," They comes having food bags and all of them bring something for Shen Wei.

First Zhujiu comes and gives a chocolate box to him

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First Zhujiu comes and gives a chocolate box to him. Shen Wei giggles and holds the box.

"Zhu Jiu, it will harm his teeth" Said Yunlan like a mother
"My teeth are strong" Shen Wei answers and smiled at his elder brother.

Then Mr. and Mrs. Xinci came with sandwiches.
"Mom, Dad, I am also your son" Yunlan complains.
"I will share with you!" Shen Wei said, "Problem solved" Zinci said and sat back.

Now Wei's father comes with juices and water, and he handed it over to Yunlan. "Papa, me?" Shen Wei looks at him with open eyes.

"Baby, look at your hands. Is there any space left in your lap?" Mr. Shen ruffles his hair and Yunlan chuckles.
"I will share with you" Shen Wei pout and hugs his chocolates and sandwiches.

Yunlan kissed his cheeks. Now Hong comes with empty-handed.
"You didn't bring something to eat,?" Lin asked.
"I don't want it" She replied coldly,
"You didn't think about me?" Lin jokes. "Why should I?" Hong said,
"I am hungry" Lin replied,
"Then go and bring something" Hong said, Sang enters the bus.

"Baby, it's for you" He gives a pack of fries to him.
"I will share with you" Shen Wei looks at Yunlan, then lastly, Wang gives a bag to Shen Wei
"It's for you, baby."
"Wow, burger" Shen Wei gets happy
"No one care for me" Lin cross arms

Shen Wei gives half the chocolates and sandwiches to Hong.
"Jie eats and shares with Lin ge too"

He was cute and everyone smiled. She silently holds and gives to Lin,
"fill your well!" She was mad on how everyone praises Shen Wei all the time.

After the driving of half an hour they reached their hotel. Everyone was so happy. They entered their rooms accordingly.

Shen Wei and Yunlan, Xinci and his wife, Sang and Wang, Mr. Shen with Zhujiu stays in one room and Lin and Hong in separate rooms

"Yunlan, why we have one bag?" Shen Wei noticed something.
"Oh yeah, where is your bag?" Said Yunlan and they look at each other.

They checked the bus but the bag was not in it. Then Yunlan goes and asks everyone if Shen Wei's bag is with them but it was not. Yunlan comes back and gets a loud shout from Shen Wei.

"My bag is at home. You left my bag in the room!!!"

Shen Wei said, Listening to their voices, everyone gathered in the room.
"What happened?" Mr. Shen asked, and Shen Wei rushed to hug his chest.
"Papa, he left my bag at home. But I'm here now!"

Shen Wei was still pouting and said everyone laughs as well. Yunlan put his medicines in his own bag, that's why they were relaxed.

Oh, it's okay. Use Yunlan's clothes for now, then at night we will buy new clothes for you!"

Mr. Xinci said, and everyone agrees. They all left, and after some time, Shen Wei comes out wearing Yunlan's clothes and looking like a panda baby.

"Aww!" Everyone adored him so much, but Hong was jealous and she blunts against him

"From now, I will call you baby panda" Mr. Xinci said, and elders stay back for resting, but the couples go for fishing.

Yunlan was careful and he was not letting Shen Wei go near the water. And Hong focus on her plan and she smirks.

She comes to Wei and Yunlan in friendly manners and calls Lin closer as well.

"Hong jie, come here, see!" Shen Wei was so excited, she comes and deliberately pushed Shen Wei and poor him, fell on Yunlan.... and by sudden impact, he fell in the water, shocking everyone.

Lin jumps in the water and help Yunlan to come out. Hong hugged, shocked Shen Wei, trying to relax him, and she tries to show everyone she cares for him.

Both the guys turned towards Shen Wei, but he ran into the room when Hong whispers 'inauspicious boy' in his ears while hugging him

"I will see him. Don't tell anyone" Yunlan pats Lin's shoulder. Yunlan comes and hugs Shen Wei in his arms very tightly.

"You again fell in trouble because of me" Shen Wei was crying.
"No, it's not because of you. It was accident" Yunlan said.
"I know I am inauspicious for you.... Hong jie said it right"
Shen Wei tries to break the hug but Yunlan tightly holds him in his arms. "Hong said this to you again?"
"Yes!" Wei replied in sobbing

"I told you, don't listen to her idiotic and shit talks" Yunlan rubs his back.
"She said it right. Since we married, because of me, you always fell in some problems" Shen Wei break the hug 

"And you don't think maybe there is opposite side. I get hurt, but still I'm safe because you are with me. You are my shield"

Yunlan cupped his cheeks and Shen Wei innocently looks at him.

"Yes, you are my shield" Yunlan kissed his forehead. He manages to calm Shen Wei and they comes out for lunch.

"Why my baby panda is sad?" Yunlan's father said.
"Hey, what happened to you?" Mr. Shen gets worried as well.
"He is sad because we forget his birthday" Yunlan said playfully

Listening to him, Shen Wei gets shocked and annoyed at everyone for forgetting his birthday. He himself forgets about his birthday and this was a separate matter.


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