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At the breakfast table Wei leans at his father which suddenly worried him

"Wei!" His worried voice gets attention of everyone present there "Baby!!"

they all stand from their seats and rush close to Wei whose body fell in his father arms motionless

"no no no" Yunlan said and tried to give him the medicines but nothing works at Wei

"we need to go to the hospital!!" xinci and ZhuLing said and Zhujiu quickly pick Wei up in his arms and rush out

"mom stay here!" Yunlan stop his mother who was crying and Mrs. ZhuLing was consoling her 

"my baby!!" she wants to come but Yunlan stop her

"aunty relax nothing will happen to him" Hong hold her shoulder

"you go ge I will take care of aunty!" Wang come forward and Yunlan smile at her

Others accompany Wei to the Hospital. Yunlan instruct Lin to stay with ladies at home

"baby open your eyes" his father was Patting his cheeks with Tears in his eyes

After sometime they all were sitting and standing in front of the Emergency Room waiting for the doctor

"why they are not coming out?" Wei's father condition was getting worse as well.

Wei was his life and right now his life was in emergency room.

"uncle relax our baby is brave relax!!" Sang was holding his hand.

Yunlan was getting sweaty as well, his heart was beating fast thinking about what makes Wei land in this condition.

Xinci was constantly getting calls from his wife asking about his health and every time he told her Wei is fine

The door of OT gets opened and a doctor comes out "what happened doctor?"

Yunlan was the first one to face him "we are washing his stomach and rest is on God!" this sentence shocks everyone to the core

"what do you mean by washing stomach?" Wei's father was looking like a corpse

"excuse me!" Dr was in a hurry he said and left from there. After half an hour the doctor finally came out and call them in his cabin

"you was talking about stomach wash what happened?" Zhujiu ask and doctor looks at him

"It seems he consumed poison how?"

Doctor questions him back "poison? But we always take good care of him. He is the youngest in the family and our beloved no one in the family even think to harm him"

Sang said because elders were still in shock specially Wei's father

"how is he?" Mr. Shen finally manage to ask

"he is fine for now but if this is the case you are telling me then he may consumed wrong medicines. I strongly suggest you to take medicines in your hands and give him with care and protection"

doctor said but Yunlan was still confused and wondering how this happened

They all keep discussing sometime and then left from there. Yunlan run and reach Wei's room then hold his hand. Wei was still unconscious

"dad I want to marry him" suddenly Yunlan said and others get surprised Yunlan look at his uncle

"I am asking you I want to marry Wei please permit me!" Yunlan was desperate to take him under his protection

"he is a kid Yunlan" his father Xinci said but Yunlan shook his head

"whatever I want to marry him" Yunlan was acting stubborn and his father place hand at his shoulder

"Yunlan, he didn't reach the legal age yet. He is very young for marriage!"

"that I know but I want to protect him" Yunlan said looking at his father

"You only protect him by marriage?" Mr. Shen ask him

"uncle? dad? I don't know I want to marry him. Why you are not understanding? Let him marry me. I promise we will stay as we are staying right now just let us get married. I beg you!"

He said and Zhujiu support Yunlan "uncle I think we should support Yunlan in this"

Zhujiu said looking at unconscious Wei

"uncle see who want to hurt our baby? No one at home have courage to do it. It must be the wrong intake of some medicine. It's okay uncle don't think about the age, we are not sending him away from us. He is staying here just we need to give him under Yunlan's protection officially"

Zhujiu said his words again in Yunlan's favour. Yunlan was tightly holding Wei's hand thinking about someone.

He was having doubt about Hong but he was not sure and he insisted to marry Wei....

They decided to tell marriage officials that Wei is 18 so the marriage happened easily without the issue of his age.

Wei get conscious and he hold his stomach "hhhmmm! Ah! Papa! Hhhmm" He was crying now cause of the pain he feels

"baby? See we all are here with you okk. You will be alright!!"

Zhujiu caresses his face and Wei nod. Yunlan was still holding his hand dearly without saying anything

"We are getting married, baby. Your happy?"

Yunlan said and turn his attention to himself. Wei look at his father and uncles

"yes your getting married" ZhuLing said with smile and Wei look at Xinci

"you said after two years" he was happy too and the thought of marriage was making him happy

"yes i said it but now your getting married to your Yunlan ge but please don't call him ge after marriage it will look awkward!"

Xinci make Wei laugh and others too. They didn't ask about the medicines for now but this is also not a small thing to ignore

After two hours they come back and everyone was around Wei pampering him and feeding him.

Seeing this his father cried and Yunlan console him with promise that he will take care of Wei all the time.

Yunlan was still doubtful about Hong knowing her love for him and her annoyance with Shen Wei.

He was trying to ignore her as much as he can for now

"I am marrying Yunlan ge!" Wei said in his excitement and other family frowned

"what are you saying? He is a kid how can you......" Yunlan's mom ask her husband and wei's father

They told her everything and make her convinced too. Everyone get happy except one person Hong.

She was shocked and never think marriage will happen this fast and seeing Wei smile she start shivering with jealousy and anger

"You ok hong?"

Lin ask her and she tried to smile saying she is okk just feeling unwell, she said it looking at Yunlan and hope he will come and ask about her health but Yunlan ignore her and hugs Wei tightly telling her he only care for his little baby
Thank you

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