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After five minutes, she comes and asks Lin to drop Shen Wei at the university, but if anything happens to him, she cannot leave Lin and Yunlan too

Lin drops Shen Wei at university by bus and waves at his brother. Yunlan was standing at front already.

Shen Wei sees him as well and runs towards him
"Why you left me?" Shen Wei complains while hugging him but Yunlan was standing silent. He was not hugging him back.

"You don't give me my kisses as well" Shen Wei looks up at his face.
"I am not giving you any kisses again" Yunlan said and start walking. Shen Wei runs to catch him.

"Why?" He questions him again
"You don't keep it a secret. I told you don't tell anyone about it, but you..." Yunlan said.
"I just tell it to my friend." Shen Wei replied,
"Baby, he's not your friend" Yunlan looks at him with frustration.
"Okay, sorry," Shen Wei said cutely, stopping in front of Yunlan.
"Move aside,!" Yunlan said with fake anger and poor Shen Wei was stunned.

"Why you are talking to me like this," Shen Wei said sadly. Yunlan feels bad, but he still acts angry
"Yunlan come...." Hong calls him from a little far
"Yeah coming...."

He glances at him and walks past him, but Shen Wei holds his arm.
"Don't go to her. Stay with me."
"Baby I am not going on a date. I have a lecture" Yunlan
"Then don't go too. Stay with me. I am not feeling well because....."

Shen Wei was speaking but Yunlan left without listening to him thinking he lying. But poor Shen Wei was really not feeling good because he skipped his medicines, but Yunlan thought it was a joke.

Shen Wei looks at Yunlan and Hong's back, then leaves to his class. Yunlan was sitting in class with Hong.

"Am I doing right or wrong? I can't bear to act like this with him" Yunlan was thinking and not focusing on the lecture, but he was occupied with Shen Wei's thoughts.

"Stay with me. I am not feeling well because...." his words rings in his mind and he gets attentive.

He leaves the class and dials his mother's number.
"Mom, Shen Wei took his medicines?" He was in hurry.
"Yeah," she replies.
"You sure you gave him medicines in front of your eyes?" Yunlan ask again.
"I feed him breakfast and then he said he will take them himself" She said,
"Oh God!" Yunlan thinks,
"okay" He cut the call and Da approaches him.

"Yunlan ge, come and see Shen Wei. He's not well" Da's words were enough to understand and he runs from there.

Shenwei was sitting in pharmacy room. He was crying and coughing as well. "Baby" Yunlan runs inside and touched him but Shen Wei pushed him back.

"Go to her!!!" He shout shocking them both. As he shout his cough worsens and he sits on the floor, holding his chest.

"Shenwei, look at me" Yunlan tries to hold his chin, but he moves back.
"No," he was badly coughing, and the doctor comes.
"Shen Wei, breathe" Doctor said and looks at Yunlan.
"His medicines and inhaler?"

Yunlan looks at Da and then at Shen Wei. Doctor rushed and takes out the medicines and Yunlan asked Da to go and bring his bag because Yunlan keep extra inhaler for emergency situations for Wei

Da runs as fast as he could, Yunlan was holding Shen Wei in his arms and he was badly coughing and breathing heavily, he refuses to take medicines as well and trying to push Yunlan back.

"Shen Wei relax" Yunlan shout and presses him on his chest. He suddenly kissed his forehead and hugs him tightly.

"Relax!" He rubs his back and Shen Wei becomes calm a little. As he was a bit calm, Dr. gives the medicines and Da comes with Yunlan's bag and inhaler.

"Sir, a guy is injured" A random guy comes and doctor goes there when Yunlan assures him, he will take care here.

"Da go and bring his bag" Yunlan sends Da
Shen Wei was still sobbing and crying lightly. He tries to free himself and cough again. Here Yunlan kissed his neck from both sides and kissed his lips.

Like a magic touch, Shen Wei drastically becomes calm and hugs his chest back. Yunlan takes him and they get ready to go back. Yunlan calls Hong and they hop inside the car.

Da was driving and Hong was sitting in front. Yunlan was at backside having clingy Shen Wei in his lap.

Shen Wei holds his head and hissed. "Yu....Yunlan," he murmured and faints "Shen Wei!!!" Yunlan widens his eyes and shouts Da to drive fast. Da drives towards the hospital and Hong calls family members to inform them.

Yunlan was constantly patting his cheeks and trying to wake him up. After some time Yunlan, Da and Hong impatiently pacing back and forth in front of the emergency room.

"Shen Wei?" Mr. Shen comes with his brother, Xinci. Yunlan points at the ER and no words come out from his mouth. Wang and other ladies comes there 

"What happened to him?" Yunlan's mom inquires strictly
"I don't know mom" Yunlan was just on the verge of crying and he cried.


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